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In the original game, the player Elvis is representing was on the edge of sabotaging the challenge. He was tossing mannequins out the window without regard for whether or not Paul was ready, and testing the GM to see if we could lose the whole thing. Paul was doing his best to catch the mannequins. It wasn't explained if we did better or worse than everyone else - all we were told is "every team seemed equally chaotic".

On this episode, I tried some new audio techniques in the hopes of getting a positive difference in the sound quality. I'm still getting familiar with the software, though, so if you guys notice a difference any comments are welcome.




I was expecting Larry to doublecross the champion and tell them something unhelpful. But he's kinda settimg himelf up here to be betrayed. If there's one thing I now about affordable US Healthcare is that he's a duplicitous SOB.

Borg Lord

Well that burning building went way better than I was expecting.