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The original game this story is based on was a bit awkward because it lasted for a day and a half of roleplaying, which meant it was longer than the typical one-shot, but really just because we had to finish up the very last event. I'm not sure what that will translate like for the run time of this arc, but what thing I can say is that the podcast version had a lot fewer shenanigans during the first meeting. Rather than only Paul, we had two players bombarding the host with stupid questions and then later trying to create intentional confusion about when and where the events were taking place. Ultimately, the effort to confuse the other participants failed, so I cut it for simplicity.

In health news, I went and got an allergy test to see if I could specify what might be giving me so much trouble. It all came back positive. So rather than narrowing things down, we can confirm I am allergic to the broad spectrum of the entire planet. Including myself, because I have a thyroid thing that's caused by my immune system attacking my own thyroid. On the upside, a lot of vigorous cleaning and vacuuming of mattresses and upholstery has been helping. I'm doing better now and haven't woken up in an asthma fit in a few days, so with time, work, and consistency, I may get it under control yet!




Wait, so have you always been allergic to. . . Everything? Or have you at the age of your mid 30s suddenly developed an allergy to everything?

U wot m8

What a challenge! Being allergic to so many things. You might be called the champion of allergy, a lesser but for more likeable cousin to the champion of pestilence.


Damn, that's rough. That mold must've really done a number on you. I hope your wife and child are doing better at least. This one-shot setting is hilarious! I call that the building is soon going to have more smudged-up (i.e. non-flammable) windows soon, unless the smudge is flammable?