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And so ends the story of Pinball City! In the actual game, we sort of wrapped things up when the party gave in to despair. The minotaur had better stuff than them and they were being upstaged even in the game of being homeless people who lived in the garbage, and although they'd been told it was going to be a bit of a torture game at the outset, by the end you could see who could really enjoy that kind of weird masochism and who doesn't.

These abusive games can be fun in their own right for both sides, and I think that they tend to be common among less experienced GMs still feeling things out. Playing the real game, I was having quite a lot of fun as a GM coming up with stupid, petty ways to power trip on or punish the players, but if it had been a campaign instead of a one-shot with a big warning slapped on the front, I can say for a fact it would have lost at least half the players after the first session.




I feel like toward the end you missed some modulation for mason


Ah, you're right. During the basement scene. I fixed it and did a re-upload. Thanks for mentioning it.


Oh this was an actual one shot? Boy, I kept thinking throughout that this was some sort of comedic therapy considering all the similarities to Children of the Sandler