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Hey, guys!

After a lot of panic and perhaps far, far too much Benadryl, I've finally gotten a handle on what was causing me so many respiratory problems over the last week. It appears to have been mold in my garage, which began to enter the house as soon as the weather warmed up. The symptoms were odd due to a pattern of going in and out of a room that was being filtered with an air purifier, which caused them to exacerbate and decline in cycles.

It's been exhausting and expensive, but now that it's identified we're in the process of solving the issue! For now we think the house has been cleaned of the main source of mold, and we're hopeful that in spite of the massive spore intrusion that it hasn't taken substantial root anywhere else in vicinity.

At current status: the bedroom and living rooms appear fine. The office space my wife and I have been working has shown some modest symptom flare-ups that we're monitoring in the hopes they will gradually go away. If they don't we may need to look at potential problem zones and see if we can find anything that's taken root. Spores are sticky, so agitating bed sheets, clothing, and so on during cleaning is causing problems, but we're doing our best to at least reduce the mold presence.

I should be back on track quite soon! I plan to start tackling some of our tax paperwork this week because although the deadline has been extended, I'm not sure where things stand on self-employment obligations and to be honest I'm not sure I really trust the system to handle exceptions without a hitch, so it's better to be within the original deadlines.

Finally, my sister, who works at a hospital treating COVID patients, has caught and is still dealing with COVID. She's been infected for a few days and says that she feels fine while resting, though she gets quite out of breath while moving around. We hope she'll recover soon without any further problems, and I've been helping to keep her entertained online in the meanwhile. We've got a little base in Starbound that we're building.

There will be a new Kit's Orphanage tomorrow, and I hope to have a new Stebe page next week! I had a Radio Skyline script completed, but I foolishly made it rather topical and it should probably be re-written now. But, if all goes well, the system my wife and I have developed for working from home and watching our son has given me a lot more time to work, and I should be pretty productive as I get back in to it!

I appreciate everyone's patience with me as I got my health all sorted out, and I hope all of you are in good health and remain as such!


My Non COVID Nightmare

I had a bit of health trouble recently and it's kept me temporarily sidelined.



Get well soon, everyone! And eat your veggies, stay hydrated and flush all the drugs and spores out of your system. Also you don't have to scratch the readio skyline script. There is no requirement to do topical stuff while they're hot news. You're free to pick any topic from any point in time whenever you like. I'd so much rather have 2 episodes instead of 1 episode and one scratched script.


I'm late to the party but, if you're going to give up on that script, share it with us. It may not be sweet voices over professionally-customized footage but it has value to us.