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Hey, guys! I hope everyone is finding themselves well in the current environment, both financially and in terms of your general healths.

Unfortunately I need to report that I've recently begun suffering from some sort of ailment the doctors have yet to identify. Based on smyptoms, it does not appear to be the caronavirus, but rather some sort of auto-immune response that's been sending me into episodes of anaphylaxis every day for nearly a week now. The main symptoms include an acute asthma attack and swelling in the throat - enough to constrict breathing.

I've been to the ER twice so far, and now am just throwing an insane number of pills and inhalers at the problem. Specialists will be difficult to come by during this pandemic.

Although the symptoms drag on for hours and are, in fact, painful, I have been trying to stay upbeat about things. For example, practically every emergency medical consulting has amusingly run me through a checklist or caronavirus symptoms, then, relieved to see from x-rays and so forth that I don't appear to have it, they relax and tell me to keep on trucking. When the dust settles and we can look back on these times as memories, it would actually make a pretty good, dry comedy sketch.

"Doctor, I believe I've broken my arm!" says the patient.

"I see," replies the doctor, "And have you been out of the country recently?"

"No," the patient says.

"Are you running a fever?" the doctors asks.

"Not at all," says the patient.

"And your lung x-rays look good. Well I'd say you have nothing to worry about! Drink lots of fluids and try to avoid public places for two weeks," the doctor declares, discharging the patient from the hospital.

Honestly I don't blame them - allergy medicine is difficult at the best of times - and truth be told it's reassuring to assume it's not the virus that's gripping the world causing this. But I did notice that during my first visit to the ER, they listed the reason I was admitted was because of a "cough", which felt a bit like underselling it. It's just a very bad time to be suffering from such a severe respiratory issue.

But it's not all bad! My wife, Claudia, has been able to work from home, so in the meanwhile we are still seeing an income from her end, and thankfully I have health care coverage through her employer. My general practitioner is also very responsive and has been quite prompt and helpful, and my son has really enjoyed having both parents home all day. Whenever he gets bored with one of us, he bounces to the other, then back again, and it's been great for his demeanor. 

I'm a little disappointed I'm having a hard time taking advantage of the positive aspects of the quarantine, but Claudia is looking after me and helping collect prescriptions, herbs, spices, essential oils, and dark ritual components to summon the old gods and ask them to remove the curse. 

Tragically, these issues have made it a struggle to do much work this week on anything. I am not sure I'll be able to adapt and just work through the symptoms because they're very gripping and provoke a profound amount of anxiety. I mostly just try to distract myself and muddle through. But I do have rally periods where the symptoms subsist and I get some time to regain my morale. I also have a firm support network in my family - my parents have been keeping in touch and Claudia and I are actively communicating to keep a good system and schedule for the both of us.

Symptoms like these can take a fast turn for the worst, but with luck it will come within management soon, and I'll be back to working shape and will no longer be googling phrases like "How much Benadryl until I die" - the answer appears to be "a lot".

I'll post more updates on the course of this situation, ability permitting! And best of luck to the rest of you! Take it from me, respiratory illnesses are not a lot of fun, so stay indoors as much as possible and look after yourselves. In tough times we turn to one another for support and bravery, as it is together by which we live our best lives.



I got asthma, so I know your feel, mang. Well, probably not, but its the thought that counts, right? Get well soon. ^^


Knowing that you're in the ER now, I am half-hopeful and half-reminded that it's the US in the middle of a pandemic and oh god your body hates itself. Take care, we ain't going anywhere.