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Now that the sprawling Petraluna Corp Prison Mine is complete, it's time to pick the next one.

This will be released over 6 months, one map per month. Each map might be a level, or part of a larger level. It'll build into a huge map!

The options are:

The Wreck of the Sheerwater - a huge derelict spacehulk, with a grimy industrial aesthetic, spread across a single level

New Atami Subway Hub Zone West - a multilevel cyberpunk subway station, with platforms, ticket halls, subway tunnels etc

The Sig'rrizuna Temple - an alien temple, semi-ruined, set on the surface of a strange planet.

The Trange - Alien Hive Ship - bio mechanical

Norshriek Research Station - scientific research lab in arctic/glacier setting

You've got 48 hours to vote, and you can vote for as many ideas as you want!



I have to watch my expenses for a bit due to being laid off but the Subway is so tempting.

Thomas Shey

I voted for the ship wreck because I expect it'd be the most generically useful, but they all look good honestly.