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Hi there,

Time to preview the MotM, and the three variants.

For this set of maps we've gone with an arid landscape - with pillars of rock that are the home to harpy nests (or any other flying beasty..).   There's three variants too - sea, mist and lava, and each comes with a no-nest version too.


If you look carefully, you'll see that each map has a gateway into the mountain.  For July's 'Alt-Version', instead of reskinning this exterior map, we'd like you to suggest what's inside the mountain. Where does the doorway lead?

You can pick a theme that works for one of the specific variants, or pick something more generic.

You've had quite a few polls already this month so we'll be picking our favourite from the suggestions in a couple of days' time.

Can't wait to hear what you come up with!



René Bargisen

Placing ruined bridges from pillar to pillar would make an awesome strategic battle oppurtunity - fighting opponents while trying to reach the other side in various ways


Really great maps!