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Hello everyone,

With Map 6 of Saint-Gerrin Sewer done, it's now time to pick the next Megadungeon. It'll be spread across 6 maps, one being released each month, and when finished will be a huge place to explore.

Here's 5 ideas from previous polls - which one is your favourite?

  • Caves of the Sea Beast - coastal cliffs and caves, leading to deeper sea-filled caverns and hidden air-pockets

  • The Catacombs Beneath Umbergate - ancient crypts and tombs beneath a city, heading deeper into ancient burials and forgotten chambers

  • The Prison at Tarfigen's Depth - a set of dank dungeons and prisons extending deep beneath the ground

  • The Pyramid of Shezmu-Khet - tomb chambers inside a desert pyramid, heading below ground to a large sprawling complex.

  • The Mines under East Vargrhill - a Dwarven mining complex in the frozen mountains, each level leading out from a central shaft

The poll runs for 48 hours, and you can vote for as many as you want!


René Bargisen

I could definitely see a market for the other options of Mega Maps!!

Paul Thompson

Let's hope this doesn't have YET ANOTHER Egyptian theme .. Something original/different would be nice.