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July's Alt-Map

Let's start with the poll for the alt map.  As many of you pointed out, there were five really useful options, so it was a tough choice.  We're really pleased with the winner though - the night time festival.  It's going to be lots of fun and should look awesome.

Do you know July is what we call our "birthday month"?  We've got a few fun things planned, but we might just have time to give all our awesome patrons a little birthday treat and make the second placed map too - the gallows in the square.

Bonus & discount

We did promise you quite a few freebies this month and here is another.  Our modular set Mossy Dungeon Corridors has been sitting forlornly on Drivethru since September without a corresponding Chambers set.  Well, neglected no longer, that set has arrived!

So, we have a bonus tile for patrons attached to this post - a large 10x14 room featuring prison cells (see download at bottom of this post).

And if you want to pick up the full set, we thought you might like a discount on both the original Corridors and the new Chambers. (discount valid for a week)

60% off Mossy Dungeon Corridors 

60% off Mossy Dungeon Chambers 



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