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Thanks to everyone that suggested an idea for the alt-version of our Market Square (the Map of the Month for July). There were some very atmospheric and story-driven alternatives suggested (we loved the name 'Saving Paladin Ryan'!)

We also wanted to thank everyone that suggested a sci-fi market map. We absolutely will make one of those soon, but it's not listed here as an option as making it would involve rebuilding the map from scratch, and that's not the idea behind the alt-map. We've definitely heard you though :)

We've picked four of the ideas, and added one of our own. The poll will run for 48 hours, so think carefully :)

The options are:

1) A night time carnival. The town square is lit with lanterns/lights, and the market is replaced with a carnival of tents, sideshows etc

2) Public execution. The stalls are replaced with gallows, executioners blocks etc, with space for an audience

3) Barricades. With the town under siege, the citizens have turned the market square into the site of their last stand, with makeshift barricades and defenses.

4) Disaster! A catastrophe has befallen the town. The plaza is cracked and cratered, houses burn, and the square is a scene of carnage

5) Forest market - the stalls are in among the ruins of the temple plaza, in a forest ruin setting, where the plaza and temple building remain, but now the market is bordered by forest.


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