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The second map in July's reward bundle is now ready for you to have a look at.  It's the alternate version of July's Market Square map - the night-time festival.  

We've crammed it full of fun stuff.  It isn't all easy to spot in the preview so, let's see, it includes: a stage and audience area; colourful tents; a fighting ring; an outdoor bar, food stalls and tables; sideshow games of skill and chance;  a small menagerie; a fortune teller and a tarot reader!

All that and still lots of space for crowds, chases, fights or whatever else your players might get up to on a night of drunken revelry.

It was really fun to make such a lively night version of the other map and we think having the day/night versions of this busy market square is going to lend itself to so many adventures.

A note for newer patrons: this 20x30 map will be part of the reward bundle you receive on the 5th July.



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