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*sigh* ... This show. That is all. (Don't worry, I love it.) Click here to watchalong! 

I'll be sharing the finale a day earlier than planned. Then there'll be a small break before I put out El Camino and then start Better Call Saul. By small break, I mean under a week.

Thanks for watching!

✦ KL




I can hardly watch the scene with Jessie watching her get shot. Aaron's scream is awful to listen to, in the best way


If Ozymandias is the gut punch, Granite State is that time after getting punched where you try to collect yourself. You're not in any immediate danger anymore, but your body is definitely telling you that you're still not okay. That's when the reality sets in and you internalize what just happened. Not a dream, no magic resolution (like waking up), this is reality. Ozy and Felina understandably get a lot of the spotlight and recognition, but here's a video essay on the importance of Granite State being between the two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doW8lTzcR_Q&pp=ygUbYnJpbGxpYW5jZSBvZiBncmFuaXRlIHN0YXRl