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Hi everyone! I can already hear the groans about my title choice for this poll. 😂 

I'm interested in sprinkling in some more actor polls both here on Patreon and on the channel, because I had fun with the Josh Brolin one and there's so many fantastic actors and actresses out there with some epic movies. So please comment below and let me know your ideas for who I should make polls for in the future! All actors/actresses welcome!

Keanu... there are so many popular movies of his that I haven't seen. After Speed, I felt myself craving more Keanu movies and with Constantine just watched... Is it bad that I just want more?!

So yeah, here's a Keanu poll to pick the final open slot for September. By the way, if you haven't yet voted in the Pick the Sequel poll, there's only a couple days left so please cast your vote!

This poll will be open until end of day Monday in my timezone.

Thanks for voting!

✦ KL

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Note: I've left the John Wicks out of this poll for a reason. I've seen the first one and I'm pretty sure I've seen the second, but I really need to jog my memory and confirm that soon. I definitely haven't seen 3 or 4 and I do eventually want to do them for the channel, but I've realized that I'm not interested in watching them in the near future. So I prefer to wait until I feel ready.



This post broke my brain lmao


So I figured Matrix would probably win but I didn't expect by this much. 😂

Richard Flores

Wait! I just realized you are missing a movie from this list! I have a write-in ballot. Key and Peele's 2016 comedy (and other genre) film, "Keanu". Watch that.

James M

The Matrix! The Lake House (2006) is actually based on a Korean film called "Il Mare" (2000) and in my opinion much more enjoyable.


As soon as I saw the matrix on the list I already knew it was going to win. I can't wait for this one 😁


I’m always surprised when people say they haven’t seen The Matrix (even the predictive text function knows The Matrix 😅) and I think it’ll win. Which is why I voted for Point Break. Also, if you haven’t seen it I’d recommend adding Parenthood to the list. Sure Keane isn’t the lead but he’s in it along with quite a few other notable stars. Good movie too. Take care and have fun 🤩

Brian Leonard

Bill & Ted is the only one I am interested in. I never liked The Matrix.


Just a few stars that have extensive filmography and a wide variety of roles: RDJ Emma Thompson Natalie Portman Michelle Pfeiffer Bette Middler Kate Winslet Gary Oldman Tommy Lee Jones Bruce Willis Arnold Schwarzenegger Samuel L Jackson Alan Rickman James Spader Some classic Hollywood stars: Katherine Hepburn Cary Grant Clark Gable Bette Davis Joan Crawford Spencer Tracy


The Matrix is arguably the greatest sci-fi movie ever, but ONLY watch the first one, forget about the sequels despite what others might say. They’re terrible. Point Break you would love, same gravitas as Speed. Bill & Ted is a silly comedy with goofy teenage humor.


"Watch all of the movies, despite what others may say about only watching the first one." from others. Oh, who do I listen to? I'll just make up my own mind on that. 😉


I was a regular at the Blockbuster down the street from me in my 20s. I knew some of the staff fairly well. Someone called Blockbuster and demanded the person who answered the phone "explain" one of the movies in this poll to them. I was at the till, so the staffer put me on the phone, knowing I had rented it and asked me to explain the film to some random person. I still can't decide what's more crazy... asking your customer to deal with another customer. Or not getting a movie and asking Blockbuster to explain it to you like they owed it to you...


i voted for Bill and Ted because if you only watch one of these, we all know it has to be the Matrix and that is clearly going to win, but i want to keep Bill and Ted's numbers high to prove a strong interest in that one too


Thanks for voting! I will often look at past polls to remember what movies I picked for them and how many votes they got. So I hope you all truly vote for the ones you'd like to see!