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I wasn't going to share this until the morning, but I know this episode is a 10/10 on IMDB making it one of the most top-rated and best episodes of TV to ever exist. So here you go! And I hope you enjoy it!

Click here to watchalong with me! 

And thanks so much for watching. Looking forward to your comments!


✦ KL



Sean H

Also, something I noticed when watching other people’s reaction to this episode, was that Walt was actually…. covering for skyler on that last phone call? Also love the parallel between both Gus and Walt falling to the floor with the exact same camera movements, that’s some damn good storytelling right there


Ah, seems there's some other people watching this for the first time! Excellent! Another fun fact: When Ozymandias first aired, there were a number of professional critics who came out to say that their normal routine is to watch an episode twice before they write about it, just so they have their facts and thoughts straight. And with this episode, they couldn't do it -- they weren't emotionally prepared to re-experience all that before their article would be due. And there have been a few reactors on YouTube who couldn't process it, either. The show cuts to black, and then the reactor just stares into space for a bit before they look at the camera and say something like, "Yeah, uh... I can't... I.... I'll see you next time..." That's when you know a show hits HARD.


Yes, there's a few folks watching it for the first time! It's a lot of fun. And I haven't watched any reactions yet, but I will be because PHEW.