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Alright, last Boba Fett episode of the day. 🥳 Just like all the rest, tune in here. Note that YouTube seems to having issues with HD processing right now, but hopefully they'll sort it out soon.

So excited to continue through this show! Reactions will continue to be shared tomorrow.

Thanks for watching with me!


✦ KL




If the Tuskan tribe had not been destroyed, I wonder if Boba would have just stayed with them. To me it looked like after he was accepted in, he felt a sense of belonging. A family.


It did look like he was traveling back there to relax for a bit. I feel like he probably would. They had some great bonding and mutual respect and lived pretty simply. After everything Boba has been through in his life, being with them was probably some of the most peaceful days he's ever had.


I think that that was one of the first times Boba probably has ever had a family, the only other time being with Jango. Probably that's why the Jango leaving in the ship memory comes through for him a lot. It's so sad they died. I grew up reading legends material (I'm 35), and there is an AMAZING series called Young Jedi Knights (like star wars hogwarts) that follows what was then Han and Leia's children through Luke's Academy that he built on the Yavin 4 base from Episode 4 once the war was over. I recommend it highly. Anyway... Included in the band of young teen jedi was Chewie's nephew Lowbacca and a Princess from a clan of Dathomir named Tanel Ka. At that time, the creation of lightsabers was a bit different, I don't remember Kyber being a thing, just focusing crystals and they could be any variety of crystals and colors. (this was the 90s pre Clone Wars and Disney). Tanel Ka used a crystal from her royal tiara and she uses a Rancor tooth, because the rancor are native to Dathomir and they have huge teeth, as the casing of her lightsaber instead of metal. Anyway, she is awesome. She loses an arm and declines getting any prosthetics and is just bad-ass because the Dathomirans were warriors. But the Dathomir people riding Rancors is a really neat nod from this show. I love that series. My only gripe, outside of the Pyke stuff, in this show are the speeders. I CANNOT take the colored speeders seriously. They are supposed to be fast, are filmed like they are going fast with hair blowing and stuff, but they are obviously slowwwwwwww. This isn't a problem with other speeders, just the speeder street gang that Boba adopted. It's just so jarring. The little putt putt moped gang trying to keep up with big normal speeder. It just doesn't read "intimidating" to me like I think it was supposed to haha.


I'll mark that book down as an "Eventually to read", if I haven't already. (I added a TON of Star Wars books to my to-read list on Goodreads.) Thanks for the info! Totally agreed on Boba seeing the Tuskens as family. The speeders give me more Coruscant vibes (as does the group of teens/young adults). I didn't mind the overall pacing of the chase, but totally understand y'all that find it slow and jarring.