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Y'all... this episode was incredibly special to me. Please stick around for my thought dump once the episode is done. Click here to watchalong with me! 

Thanks so much for watching!


✦ KL




I think some of the hate this show got, is cause people were expecting an action packed show of Boba bad-assery. I like it for what it is. Storytelling and world building.


That's fair. Sounds like a similar complaint that I've heard from some folks on why they aren't a fan of Andor. Story and worldbuilding leading up to the events of Rogue One instead of a ton of action. But this is also a good reason why it's best to not go in to anything new with certain expectations. Personally, I'm satisfied with the Boba action from everything else I've seen of him (OT, Clone Wars, Mando) and I'm really enjoying this side of things.


Mos Espa is the town Anakin is from-- where Qui Gon and them landed in Episode 1. I don't think that guy the gang beat up in the first Boba episode was Cobb Vanth, I think it was just a very similar looking moisture farmer. I think they were looting him and gang tagging his farm as warning. In my head the warrior training Boba has always been female, and that made "her" my favorite character in this when I first watched it, though I saw something once that referenced them as "prince" or something. They just kinda read as a younger sorta frustrated mother lol. The Pyke make up is my ONLY gripe on prosthetics in this show. They don't look anything like the animated. I get, because of their name, they are supposed to be fish maybe, but they read as more snakeish in animated and I loved that. I got like an Egyptian vibe/style from them in Clone Wars. I also understand limitations on physical make ups, but it just is... not really a stand out to me, and they stood out so much in Clone Wars. Also, I like to think that a lot of stunt performers got to act as tuskans in this show. I admit I haven't paid attention to the credits though. <3


Oh and I think Jawas and Tuskan Raiders are originally the same species, but diverged a long long time ago. Tatooine was originally I think a water world with trees, like you see in the vision Boba has, I think maybe that's why he saw maybe the jawa eyes in the tree.