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Hello everyone! I hope you're all having a great weekend so far. Here's my reaction to Ep 4 of S1 of Mando. Also, I gotta apologize for my overall demeanor in this reaction. Trust me, I feel totally fine today and generally in good spirits, but in editing this one for you all I couldn't help but feel like I was talking very blah and just looking a bit out of it. Maybe I'm tired, I don't know. Anyway, just wanted to bring that up in case any of you think it as I'm watching it. In my review, I also brought up some other things I know about the show that I'm pretty confident I missed bringing up in Episode 1 when I was talking about what I knew about the show going into it. I definitely know some things about Mando thanks to social media, but thankfully no big spoilers at all about the story. Really just certain character and actor appearances. So stoked to see the context and the why behind it all.

Anyway, thank you so much for watching! I'll try and be a bit more uppity with the next videos. 😂 I will be putting out perhaps 2-3 more over the rest of the weekend.


✦ KL




This is the best show of the season... so far ;) Dune (not to be confused with Dume*) was a great adition to the show, I hope she turns up again. The scene where the child is watching them when they stop fighting- excellent. After watching this episode I bought a model kit of an ATST and I plan to build and paint it to match the one that appeared in this episode :) *i name dropped because i think rebels is still fresh...


Have fun building and painting that! Dune was great yeah, and def didn't confuse with Dume!


About Mando getting his helmet off to eat, we can assume he was enough in the shadow inside of the barn to not be seen. And, I think Mando considered the offer to stay in the village, I am not sure he felt something for the widow (though she definately liked him), but he definately was thinking about it, but in the end, his Mandalorian ways are way too important, it is what he has known his whole life, since he was adopted by the Mandalorians.