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Hello again! 👋 Two episodes today. Another will come tomorrow. Click here to watchalong to Chapter Five with me! It was super fun to see someone from the animated shows in live-action in this episode!

Thanks so much for watching with me!

✦ KL




One thing I really loved about this episode was showing a different POV of the Tuscans. I feel like up until this point we've only seen them from a biased standpoint, usually from Tatooine locals. I enjoyed seeing how they are reasonable people once they are given respect by outsiders and how they were willingly to trade for safe travels through their lands. It goes to show that it isn't always best to judge people by how they are seen by one group of people. Excited to keep watching your reactions to this.


I love how clueless Mando is sometimes about raising the Child. A tough and not very social Mandalorian being forced into the role of a parent is a pretty hillarious thought, He has a lot to learn, but he cares a lot for the Child. And about the Sand People, I am not sure if it came up somewhere in KOTOR or I know it from SWTOR, but in Legends, the Jawas and the Tuscan Raiders were once one species, before the Rakatans bombarded the whole planet turning it into the desert planet we know. After the bombardement, the survivors split and evolved into the two native species of Tatooine.


Oh if that was in KOTOR it's not something I remember! That's so interesting. Thanks for sharing.