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Hey hey hey! Here's the next MCU reaction! Click here to watchalong. This movie truly made me realize how much I have missed Scott and I really felt the lack of his presence in Infinity War. I can't help but wonder all the cool things he would have done to help everyone else as all that shit was happening. It was great revisiting these characters. I'm looking forward to your comments!

The MP4 is available in the shop for those of you who want that. Free for members!

Please enjoy! 💛🐜🐝

✦ KL




Hi Kaiielle, hope your days well! Great reaction as usual, im just curious how you're going to approach doing the TV shows, as you're getting close to them. Are you going to do everything in release order as usual? Or prioritise some things over other ones. Because some TV shows can be watched before others without missing things. Thanks! 😃😃


I intend to watch a few of the shows in between Spider-Man: Far From Home and Black Widow. I've been told which ones are must watch, so the plan is to put a few episodes in each video instead of dedicating one video to one episode, otherwise I'll be with MCU TV shows for longer than I'd like (from a channel schedule perspective). I may also watch the Garfield Spider-Mans before I start Black Widow and beyond.


I never watched any Ant-Man until you did these reactions. I think they are way up there in my favorites which surprises me. Except for them being turned to dust, I love love love that Janet and Hank still loved each other and were still together at the end of it all. A lot of times the person "left behind" is bitter and wants revenge and all of that, but I liked this happy ending so much, that doesn't happen so much sometimes in Marvel. I also really enjoyed the humor. It seems more... natural here instead of Guardians humor which doesn't hit it for me at all. I think the humor is forced in Guardians because thats their shtick. Paul Rudd and this cast have a good touch on the humor without it always being a joke type humor. Jokes are really audience dependent, which is why comedians are never middle of the road for people-- either they are loved or they are left. But GOOD movie humor is like this movie, where it's obviously been written to be funny but the actors make it seem like every day this type of humor could be. I also agree about maybe too many villains, I think if they axed Burch and had Ava be more sinister a little more AND THEN the redemption/healed arc that might have been a hit a bit more. I thought this was a really fun movie though without "the world will end" consequences. Things having so high of stakes so often becomes tiring.


Edit: Question-- have you seen any Marvel series before like Daredevil and Jessica Jones that were originally on Netflix or is everything new new to you in this regard?