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Hi everyone! April's Member of the Month winner was Spencer, who asked me to watch The Count of Monte Cristo from 2002! Click here to watchalong with me and get my full thoughts. 

Spencer, I hope you enjoy this reaction! And to anyone else who watches along, I hope you enjoy it too!

This will be the last post on Patreon for a bit. I'll be sharing the May schedule on Monday, but otherwise, I'll be back on the 5th! Have a great week. 😊 Thank you for everything!

✦ KL



Onno Smits

I love this movie! Definitely gonna watch this this weekend. 👍

BJ Stephens

If you wanted to watch something else with Jim Caviezel, and you ever have the time to start a new TV show, I would whole-heartedly recommend Person of Interest. If you like thriller/crime procedurals type shows it is one of the best written ones.

Onno Smits

Person of Interest is in my top 10 favourite shows of all time. Definitely an incredible production! However, not sure if it's a great Reaction channel suggestion. It's a huge time commitment. If you're interested in watching a reaction to it BJ, I can recommend NeilTalks. I hope Kaielle doesn't mind me mentioning other reactors, but he's reacting to it right now and having a great time with it. He's also an Assistant Director for network TV shows, so he has some interesting insights on how productions like this work, from time to time.

Morgan Bridgland

Not sure if you saw it in the cast list, but Valentina Villefort was played by Helen McCrory, who was Narcissa Malfoy in Harry Potter (I think that's her name, never watched after the third movie) but I have a feeling you would have caught on to that! James Frain played Thomas Cromwell for three seasons of The Tudors alongside Henry, and I think that was his most sympathetic role as I've seen him in about six things and he's never played a "good" character. Also beardy!Jim Caviezel reminds me of Ethan Hawke in a way. Also also, loved that you liked this movie, KL x


I'm glad you enjoyed the movie KL, I agree with everything you said about the pacing, the movie really hooks you in when Edmond is thrown into the Chateau d'If. Also Richard Harris as the priest is great. I also love the location shots in this, the islands with the rock formations and cliffs are some of my favorites


Thanks for watching Spencer! And thank you again for picking this movie!

Nicholas Bielik

Years ago, the movie trailer for this film inspired me to read the novel which is a sprawling tale with tons of different plots and stories happening within the context of the Count’s revenge. It’s long! Dumas wrote it as a weekly serial that appeared in newspapers, and he wanted to keep it rolling along for as long as readers were interested (he also got paid by the word so brevity was a primary concern either). It’s all very well realized and quite entertaining though. However, the story plays out very differently than in the film, and this left me with mixed feelings about the movie, but I will say this is a well made film with an excellent cast, but for it to be like the book it would have to be a ten hour mini-series. Also, the Count is essentially the proto-version for what would become the modern superhero. No Batman without The Count of Monte Cristo!

The Dingo

Honestly, this movie doesn't do justice to the novel. I hated this movie, and am on the fence about watching it again. Count of Monte Cristo is one of my all time favorite books