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Hi everyone! The winner of the March 2023 Member of the Month was Sean who requested The Batman from 2022. This one was on my list to get around to eventually! Click here to watchalong with me. 

This movie will be in the May schedule for YouTube, though I'm super nervous about editing this because of the length! But I've given myself lots of time to do it, so hopefully that helps.

Please enjoy!

✦ KL




Ooooh, awesome! Looking forward to watching this one along with ya. It’s definitely a good one! Pattinson was simply amazing in this.

Dan Dedrick

Yes! I really hope you enjoyed this, although I won't be surprised if you have a specific issue with it. But I will find out shortly after grabbing a bite for the movie!

Dan Dedrick

Ha, yeah I assumed the length of the movie would be a bit of an issue, but I'm super glad you enjoyed the vast majority of the film otherwise. I really loved that it was more a mystery to solve rather than a pure action film, although the action scenes were amazing in their own right. And even though I've watched this like 4 or 5 times now, it wasn't until this watchalong that I caught that Riddler and the other orphans were at Thomas' mayoral campaign announcement, in which they were singing Ave Maria. It makes so much more sense to me now why he sang it in his cell/confinement at Arkham (as well as why it was the background music at the beginning of the movie while he was watching Mitchell). Another excellent reaction, KL. I know it will make it more difficult to edit with maybe not speaking your thoughts too much, but your facial expressions themselves make for a good reaction as well. I hope you enjoy your time off and don't have to spend much of it on this edit. Take care!


I def won't be starting the edit until after my time off is done! I am glad you enjoyed the reaction! ☺️

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

This film drew heavily from Batman Year One and more so Batman Year Two a comic that alot of people forget exists as Year One tends to over shadow it. The Long Halloween of course as well which was set in his second year as Batman both Year One and Long Halloween featuring Catwoman as well with Long Halloween featuring pretty much all the main super villains of Gotham acting as the transition from classic Mafia style gangsters to Supervillains a shift in power. But this film also pulls some key aspects from Batman Earth-One from 2012 a modernized re-imagining of Batman set outside of the main DC continuity. Pretty much DC's answer to the Marvel Ultimate Universe but it didn't really go anywhere. The Mainline DC universe is Prime Earth, or Earth-0 so Earth-One is seen as a younger universe where hero's are just starting out. The concept of Martha Wayne being an Arkham is pulled right from Earth-One along with the link to her having mental issues. In almost all renditions Martha is a Kane just like Bruce's cousin Kate Kane. The Kane family is one of the big families of Gotham along with the Waynes, Elliot's, and the Cobblepots so they could still exist it's just Martha was changed from a Kane to an Arkham. Alfred also trained Bruce in both Earth-One comic and this film with the Earth-One Alfred being a former Royal Marine so in this universe Bruce never left Gotham for over 5 years. Since Frank Millers Year One comic Bruce has spent his early years exploring the world coming back to Gotham like we see in Batman Begins which is where he learnt to fight along with developing himself into the man we see in those films and comics. This is something we see in Batman Begins. From a visual standpoint, loved Gotham looked amazing and fits with the lore of Gotham City. This film nailed the Gothic look while also keeping it more grounded something The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises lacked both didn't really feel like Gotham but instead some random East Coast city with a lack of a personality. The music Is very Shirley Walker in some parts who composed the amazing music for the Batman Animated Series. The composer Michael Giacchino who did The music for The Batman was inspired by her music something I wish we heard more of. There's also a track that plays at the funeral outside when Bruce gets out of her car that sounds very animated series more hopeful sounding. One common problem some people have with the film is a lack of Bruce Wayne. I can see the Sequel diving more into the Wayne aspect stepping up to help Gotham after the flooding. But this is 100% something the sequel could die into. Gordon also didn't do much in this film but I guess you could explain everything with "Well it's only Year 2 Batman hasn't developed his Playboy Bruce Wayne persona yet as he's very much Batman. My ideal Sequel would 100% be a movie focused around Mister Freeze inspired by his appearance in the Batman Animated Series would both give us an interesting villain but also a fun setting go more for a winter theme with blue overtones instead of Red maybe add more colour instead of the film being dark 24/7. But the villain of the sequel has been revealed and it sounds awesome so I'm excited for the next film. James Gunn has confirmed that any DC Media that exists outside of his DC Universe will be labelled as "Elseworlds" so Joker 2, The Batman 2 etc. These will be Elseworlds and will continue alongside the main universe of the DCU. So they're continuing with these elseworld stories while also developing their own connected universe which is cool. The Batman itself seems like a connected series anyways as we got a tie in Riddler graphic novel and Penguin is getting his own HBO show set after the events of this film so they're really developing this universe rather than a one off film.

Morgan Bridgland

Colin Farrell. That is all. Even under all those prosthetics he still has my heart 21 years later :D

Tyler Foster

They're making an entire HBO Max show focused on Farrell's Penguin that will be out sometime this year, before Reeves makes The Batman Part II.

Tyler Foster

One major visual and stylistic reference point for this film is David Fincher's Seven. I'm sure it's on your list already as a very popular reaction title, perhaps around Halloween. It will be funny whenever you see Paul Dano (The Riddler) in something else, as I would say a solid majority of his other work has been in comedies. He does have a few significant other dramas under his belt (I won't say which ones, because I know you don't like cast spoilers), but this was definitely a change of pace for him and I agree that he pulled it off really well. Many people have criticisms about the use of fat suits in movies and television when they could just hire fat actors, and I get it. I also at least think the use of makeup and prosthetics here is superior to that of many productions where the effort is in service of Oscar bait designed to make a maudlin story out of some fat person's existence (usually true stories). I feel like Farrell's makeup helps him become a Type of Guy and I find his performance of said Guy to be very funny, because he's really good at it. Personally, this is a long movie and I agree that it could be tightened, but I don't know if I think you could lose a whole 45 minutes. Maybe more like 15-20. There are other movies where the pacing of scenes is more deliberate, and I think it's really clear that nothing is *happening* in much of that shlowness (I'm thinking of one movie in particular, even though I love it so much), whereas at least even when The Batman is slow and deliberate, I feel like the scenes are generally pretty full of incident and something going on.

Sean H

This movie for me is just pure eye candy, I’m a huge cinematography guy so this move felt like it was made for me lmao 🤣 In regards to the runtime (sorry I chose such a long movie by the way!) I totally agree with you, it definitely FEELS like 3 hours, especially in certain dialogue scenes which were verrrrrry slow paced. I’d also like to see more Bruce Wayne next time, we barley got him or Alfred in this movie. But yeah in general I adore this movie so much, I think as a movie the dark knight is better but as a BATMAN movie, this is superior in my opinion. Enjoy your break, KL! Sending my best (: