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Hey all! I hope you've had a great start to your week. 😊

I wanted to let you all know that I'm making some improvements to the uncut reactions, and the exclusive reactions, moving forward. I know that syncing up will never be 100% perfect because there are so many reasons that things can become unsynced a little bit. But I hope that these changes will help.

The first change is that I'm going to start including a timer in the video! I can't remember who mentioned this, but someone made a suggestion to include one and I've looked into how to do it. It's not as hard to implement as I thought it would be, so now you'll know where I am at any point throughout the movie/episode, down to the second.

The second change is that I'm going to try my best to leave the first 20-30 seconds of the movie/episode in unblurred and with audio. I hope that this, combined with the timer, will ensure that it will be as easy as possible for you to sync up. The audio will fade out to muted and the blur will become enabled the moment the audio is muted.

As for watching these videos, I haven't tested this myself yet, but if you're watching on PC, I've heard that using Firefox's Picture-in-Picture feature is really handy. You can have my reaction large in the background and your own copy of the movie/episode floating in the foreground covering the blurred video.

Feel free to leave any tips and tricks for others in the comments on this post if you have been watching these types of videos for a while now! 


✦ KL


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