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It's time for the theatrical release of The Clone Wars to wrap up The Battle of Christophsis arc. Make sure to grab a drink and some snacks as this video is 1h42m long. I thought that maybe I would edit this reaction for YouTube, but I decided to leave this one as an exclusive.

This has been combined with the first two episodes of TCW so that the whole Battle of Christophsis arc is in one video.

Thank you so much for watching with me and make sure to let me know what you think of this film in the comments!

✦ KL


The Clone Wars: Theatrical Release ✦ Full-Length Watchalong & Review

Hello Adventure Club! 👋 I hope you enjoy watching along to the theatrical release of Star Wars: The Clone Wars with me. This film is the conclusion to The Battle of Christophsis arc. Please leave your comments to me on the associated Patreon post for this video. 🚀 VIDEO CHAPTERS: 00:00 - Intro 01:57 - Film Reaction 01:35:46 - Thoughts & Review



This movie was the First Star Wars film I ever saw in a Theater! Love the Clone Wars show and movie and I am very excited to continue to see your thoughts and reactions to them!

Alex Vazquez

Hey, Kaiielle! Please check to see if this edited comment passes muster. I guarantee you nothing stated before revealed anything of significance but I tailored this remark to mention nothing beyond what you have already seen as requested. The sole exception is the non-canon micro-series that precedes the show chronologically. I think I struck the right balance this time. Please let me know. James Arnold Taylor, who voiced young Obi-Wan in the micro-series, reprises the role for the movie and show. He's a good facsimile for McGregor and does an impeccable Kenobi. Samuel L. Jackson and Christopher Lee reprised their roles of Mace Windu and Count Dooku, respectively, just for the animated movie. In the animated show, Terrence Carson takes over Windu and Corey Burton takes over Dooku. No matter what the incarnation, Anthony Daniels is ALWAYS the voice of C-3PO! The animated film is actually four episodes of the series edited down and stitched together. It was released in 2008 to promote the series but is actually integrated into the show. The animated film serves as Ahsoka Tano's introduction, one of the best Star Wars characters ever. Her relationship with Anakin is fascinating and provides a dimension to his psychological profile that the prequels alone did not. Anakin calls her 'Snips' because of her snippy retorts. The Hutts are the oldest and most powerful criminal cartel in the galaxy controlling a huge swath of space in the Outer Rim. Whether the centralized authority is a democratic Republic or a totalitarian Empire, the Hutts always maintain their independence and, during conflicts like the Clone Wars, the Rebellion or the First Order insurgency, remain a third party in the balance of power. As representatives of the Republic and the Separatists, Palpatine and Dooku are both negotiating with Jabba because, as head of the cartel, they know the wily slug is a power player. What not even Jabba realizes, though, is that he's being manipulated just like everyone else by two Sith Lords who are each in control of one faction of this Civil War! Yoda has always had misgivings about Anakin's attachment issues and with good reason! Assigning Ahsoka to him was meant to be a critical lesson in his development. He says Anakin is ready to teach but "to let go of his pupil, a greater challenge it will be." Only time will tell if there was wisdom or folly to Yoda's ploy. Rex's will was strong enough to resist the mental manipulation of Asajj Ventress and he only pretended to be doing her bidding while tipping Anakin off by referring to him by his proper name rather than his rank. Ahsoka picked up on it immediately. Asajj Ventress is an awesome antagonist and fan favorite who debuted in the non-canon micro-series auditioning to be Dooku's assassin. I love the flirtatious barbs she trades with Obi-Wan! Ziro the Hutt was voiced by Corey Burton who also portrays Dooku in the animated series. He modeled the voice after Truman Capote, the flamboyant author of the true crime classic "In Cold Blood"! The heat generated by Anakin and Padme staring intently at each other while speaking neutrally in front of Jabba to maintain the secrecy of their marriage was more powerful than any scenes between Christensen and Portman in the Prequels! Lol. I really like the design of that old jalopy Anakin picks up on Teth. The vertical assault of the B'omarr Monastery on Teth is one of the highlights of the movie and a distinctive action sequence!


Better. ❤️ Thank you for all the info and respecting my ask. I know some people aren't as picky about spoily things and it's a tough line sometimes. I appreciate you tweaking. Agree with you on the Anakin and Padme scene! Excited to see where Ahsoka and Anakin go from here.