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Well, hello there - it's Rich here sending out the call for supporters questions for DF Direct Weekly #112. We'll be discussing the 4060 Ti and 4060 announcements, talking again about 8GB framebuffers (probably) and if there's time we'll be taking a quick look at the Jedi Survivor PC patch due today. They're promising less stuttering!

Do let us know if there are any news topics you'd like us to talk about - preferably some that aren't depressing - but beyond that, hit us (not literally) with your supporter questions! It'll be myself (back in the office), John and Alex at the mics this week if that makes any difference!




Hi guys, To paraphrase an esteemed fellow DF-fan: "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-retrospective, when!?" In all seriousness, going off a small remark by Alex a few weeks ago: would you guys feel up for a series and mods retrospective, while we wait for stalker 2? Perhaps also comparing it to other releases of the time? Before Zelda arrived last week, I was on a bit of a mod-binge and was amazed by how the series still holds up and how there's really nothing quite like it in terms of mix of gameplay elements and in terms of atmosphere. Thanks for the great #content week after week! Best, Johan

James Post

Just saw the new Mortal Kombat trailer. Between that, Dead Island 2 and Dead Space (remake), is gore tech the new ray tracing? Is Alex changing beats?


Hey DF crew. Simple question: John's room tour. When?


Is it possible to share some learning content for some of the more technical terms that keep coming up on the technical review videos? Just thinking about certain terms that keep arising.. Ambient occlusion? What is it? Screen comparison of it off and off? Explain DLSS in a bit more detail? There are many. I'm conscious a lot of the viewers will have basic knowledge of gaming technical jargon but would definitely keen to find out more. Great work as always!


As someone that barely survived cancer over 10 years ago, I feel lucky to still be around. Something I thought about in the hospital was what sort of technology - gaming especially, might I miss if I don't survive. My question is this: what is your dream technological innovation you hope to be around to see? Perhaps the return of the Sega Channel? Thanks as always.

Mr Bespoke

How are the drapes wars these days? Still a pain or is it all neat and tidy on the western front?


Other than Octopath Traveler 2, what are some recent games that were simply "Too Big for DF"?


If Richard Leadbetter from 2027 came through a time warp (having revised DF's temporal prime directive) and told you that Intel Arc had overtaken AMD Radeon as second place in the discrete GPU market (but had no way of showing proof) and then went back to his own time, would you believe him?


Now that Richard has switched to Unreal Engine 5 per DF Directs 56 and 87, if something unexpected happens during recording, will the new shaders not be able to asynchronously compile and thus cause an unfortunate stutter?


Outside of developing Force-sensitive GPUs that can anticipate players actions and other than you using extremely powerful hardware (e.g., GeForce NOW RTX 4080 tier), what can be done to reduce latency in streaming?


Alex’s recent Control patch video was the first HDR one in a while. Has the workflow and capture experience improved at all since y’all were trying it out a few years back? And on a related note, are there any games this gen that you’d like to call out for having excellent HDR or would think about showcasing that way in the future?


Hello DF mates. I was wondering if it were possible to find out why Street Fighter 6 isn't releasing on the XBOX One? Would you guess it's related to the power of the console, or possible lack of sales on the platform?


Good day DF crew! Hope all are well. With 128 bit busses taking 4-8 memory chips, would there be a downside to using the half bandwidth 2x8-bit vs 2x16-bit connector? Say if you used 8 x 1GB chips on 128 bit bus vs 4 x 2GB chips? or like how the 4080 and 4090 use 8/12 x 2GB chips instead of 16/24 x 1GB chips. (probably due to PCB space limits)


Hey guys! Thanks so much for your work! I wondered whether you could address the elephant in the room - Switch emulation in general in TotK in particular. Ideally I would love some coverage, and if that's too risky, maybe a short discussion on weekly?


Hey all at DF, this question is for John. I'll be going to Japan in a few months. If I wanted to add a few decent retro games where would be a good place to start? I've been to Japan before, and Akiba prices were tourist-tastic for retros, even before the pandemic retro collecting boredom boom. Is there a good off-the-beaten path shop, or area/town that you know of to get a fair price? I'll be in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and possibly Hiroshima. Also, Shutokou Battle Retro episode, when?


Hello from new patron! Do you think streamers should priortise playing games at multiples of 30 or 60fps, so that the stream frame rate neatly multiplies into the game's performance? So for example, targetting 120fps in a PC game while streaming at 60, or playing at 90 while streaming at 30. I ask as I worry about the impact on stream fluidity when Nvidia low latency at 120Hz, since the game will then be around 116fps. I also suspect though that many folks won't notice or mind anyway :p


Can Alex please address why he does not think John Linneman is the best John. He gave that title to John Romero.


Two questions: 1. I've been holding off on Jedi Survivor because of the poor optimization. Can we get an update on the state of the performance for the game or at least what do you all think about it right now? 2. Recalling last week's mention of CRT TVs, has John or others ever thought about doing a video showcasing 60fps+ on CRT? I have my old hand-me-down CRT in storage and the idea of hooking up my RTX 4k series GFX card sounds really interesting. Thanks for all the great content!


Hey guys, thanks for all the awesome work! 1. Have you guys encountered any stuttering will using DLSS 3 Frame Generation in Red Engine games such as Cyberpunk 2077? DLSS 3 FG can work great for a while on my 4070 ti, but will often crash after transitioning from a menu to in-game or in certain parts of night city. It just becomes a stuttery mess when this happens and only restarting the game solves it. I'm asking because I'm on a Ryzen 7 5800X and I know all of you guys are rocking Intel CPUs, so I was wondering if that was why. DF4LYFE!


If a Sifu comparison video on Xbox and PS5 is not on the cards could you please let us know in this q&a any differences in performance and visual quality? Thanks in advance!

Benjamin Addison

Hi guys, lots of chatter at the moment around the amount of VRAM shipping with Nvidia's GPUs (lack thereof). While it is generally true that Nvidia's cards have less VRAM than AMD equivalents, looking at recent benchmark numbers and analysis Nvidia cards seem to utilise less VRAM at the same graphical setting vs AMD cards. Why is this and does this mean Nvidia are justified in being "stingy" with VRAM allocation?


Outside of any technical considerations, what is each of your all time favorite game to play and why do you like it so much. Love the in depth detail in all the videos, hope we get out of the gaming depression soon!


Hi guys. I recently purchased a 4090 and went back to watch Alex's analysis on DLSS 3 and frame generation. It's been 7 months since then, any plans on revsiting this tech? Thanks for all the quality work and useful information you all provide.


Possibly - because as discussed in this week's Direct, it's swiftly turning into a way to bypass terrible CPU performance...