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With Sifu making waves in the gaming space for its style and difficulty, Audi Sorlie, John Linneman and Tom "The Dragon" Morgan battle it out in our second installment of DF After Dark discussing their lifelong love  for martial arts cinema. From Van Damme to Jet Li and everything in between, make sure to catch this 1 hour love letter to martial arts  movies!

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I’ll give it a listen. Love martial arts film

Nico Simmons

I'm not really a Podcast guy - but this shows promise ^-^ Thx for this potentially cool topic


Hour-long episode, hein? I was expecting a lenght similar to the epic 2:30 hour 1st episode, but I'm not complaining.


That intro is *super* dope.


Prefer video version but excited nonetheless. I love old Jackie Chan films. It's crazy to me some of his classics still haven't had a US release or only had a terrible DVD release with no option for subs.