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I'll be working on more E3 videos this week (just finished up a video on Mario Odyssey), but in the meantime, I've been thinking about future DF Retro episodes.

I have some system focused episodes in the schedule but for the next episode I was thinking of either tackling the various console ports of the original Doom or Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver.

Doom is interesting simply because there are so many different versions and each version is so different.

Soul Reaver, then, is one of the first games to support data streaming. It's impressive on the PS1 but received a number of additional ports to Dreamcast and the PC.

Any other games you guys might like to see over the summer?



Nights into Dreams!


The Panzer Dragoon Series / Universe


Legacy of Kain would be great for so many younger gamers who missed out on it


Sega's Shining Series would be great too.


I'm not sure whether you'd pick just one game or the whole system, but I feel like the N64's strange mix of incredible architecture and awful default smear would make for a good ep.

Alexander Moon

I think a God of War episode would be interesting, leading up to the new one. Spanning multiple systems and with remasters to boot.


The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay. This still looks incredible today


It's probably not the most technologically interesting one, but I'd love an episode on Jedi Outcast.


MGS1 vs. MGS:TTS vs. that one level in MGS4...?


FF3? Bioshock has had a million versions as well. Code Veronica? If you do Doom, you could include the hidden retro levels in Doom 2016.


Nights into dreams would be awesome- However, I wouldn't mind some 16 Bit coverage on the Super Nintendo and its specialities- A lot of hard core sega fans seem to have fun badmouthing the system and proposing that it was much weaker than it actually was.


Doom would be great it will be interesting too see the differences


Lots of good suggestions! I already have plans for some of them (Riddick, N64, Nights and Panzer) but might have to add other ones to the mix!


Dead or Alive 2!!! Could cover the first DoA games being Arcade/Sat/PSX and Arcade again, then the DoA2 in the arcades and on the DC, PS2, Xbox and PC.


San Francisco Rush 2049 would be an interesting one too, with the Arcade, N64 and Dreamcast versions all being really amazing games, and stylised eye-candy to this day to boot! EDIT: 2049 doesn't get the love it deserves, would be a great way to pay homage to arguably the best in the series.


We take cut scene FMV for granted these days. How about something on the origins of streaming video in games to show how far we've come? Rebel Assault then Wing Commander on PC, Microcosm on Amiga CD32, The Horde and Road Rash on 3DO, and Sewer Shark and Night Trap on SegaCD. On the PS1 we had cut scene videos in Tomb Raider (a mate of mine compressed them!) which felt like a massive step in quality at the time.


+1 for Soul reaver. Amazing game on DC / . It's a shame they never finished the story after Defiance....


+1 for Doom. Would be a very good video

Malcolm Slater

How about Need For Speed, Doom or Medal of Honour


Actually, that is a pretty good idea. Video used to be a huge selling point and it took ages for the quality to jump up to where we are now. I'll look back over my library and see if I have the titles that would make sense for this!


2049 was pretty great huh? I haven't spent much time with the N64 or arcade originals, though, but the Dreamcast version was fantastic. I believe it exists on PS2 as well in one of those Midway collections.


This is perhaps a bit of a broad idea, but in this frame rate and resolution obsessed present it could be fun to go back over a few AAA releases of yesteryear and remind everyone what frame rate/frame pacing was deemed OK for release in those pioneering years of 3D gaming? You partly do this anyway looking at the older versions of specific titles, but I'm still haunted by the performance of the original Shadow of the Colossus PS2 release, Banjo Tooie on N64, Starfox 1 on the SNES, Starglider on the Spectrum etc and would love to know what the actual details were. I love seeing these ancient titles put through the Digital Foundry tools!


Silent Hill games


Or Fatal Frame


In terms of RE, you could do RE1, and that game has many, many incarnations. You could even include the DS version, the GAME.com version, the various PS versions, as well as the near-finished-but-cancelled GBC version. (Just make sure you include a shot of the in-game Gamecube in the Gamecube version!) RE2: there's the N64 version, but maybe it can wait in case the rumoured RE2 remake ever materialises!


Always down for some Doom stuff!


I would love to see a DF Retro for Flashback, Dark Forces, Dungeon Keeper or Magic Carpet. Awesome work guys.


What about some Doom stuff, including some info about Brutal Doom that makes a comeback for original one but with some "add-ons" and graphical improvements

Shart Carbuncle

I do love port comparisons! Along those lines, the original Prince of Persia could be an interesting choice.


Dreams 2 Reality, Sub Culture, Neverhood, Little Big Adventure. Yes the 90's was an awesome time for gaming :)

Shart Carbuncle

Ooh, I had another idea; this could be fun (or really annoying) if you want to dig into some weird old hardware: Star Fighter/Star Fighter 3000, first released for the Acorn Archimedes, ported to 3DO, PlayStation, Saturn, PC and back to the MicroDigital Omega. And it did some really impressively smooth 3D for those systems!


I mentioned in comments on Youtube a while back that I think it'd be really interesting to look at some of the older Monolith Lithtech titles. Blood, Shogo(A criminally overlooked title), Blood II, and No One Lives Forever. Could also look at the innovations when moving to the Jupiter Engine with No One Lives Forever 2. The first No One Lives Forever also had a PS2 port that I for one, have zero experience with. Those 2 NOLF titles are well loved by many and I think it'd be cool to get a little history lesson on the tech that powered them.


Interestingly, the article on Hardcoregaming101 covering Little Big Adventure was one of the first things I wrote about games. Might have to revisit that in video form! The Neverhood is always great too (and I have the PS1 version even) -John


Mortal Kombat 3 or Trilogy. I remember playing the PS version after extensively playing the SNES version and the whole thing felt weird. Have you done a sprite-to-sprite comparison before...?

The Wooniest Woona

The sheer number of versions of Doom would make for a really interesting episode. I'd love to see an episode on Splinter Cell. I've been buying different versions of it over the past few months, and the differences between versions has surprised me. Not to mention it's shadow rendering that depends on specific early GeForce cards. I'm always up for some more obscure games too. Episodes like MDK and Crusader of been some of my favorites, as they've exposed me to games that I'd forgotten about.


I have a few suggestions: Zelda Ocarina of Time, GTAIII/VC/SA, TES: Morrowind/Daggerfall/Arena, No One Lives Forever, Final Fantasy VII and XII, Metal Gear Solid 1/2/3, some of the mid-90s PC voxel games by Novalogic (Terra Nova, Commanche etc), Outcast (perhaps after the remaster releases), Esctatica, Alone in the Dark, Flashback, Another World, Prince of Persia, the first few Need for Speeds, Wing Commander(s), Little Big Adventure, 7th Guest, the first 2 Monkey Islands (CGA/EGA/VGA/HD)... shit this list makes me feel old... and wise! :D


MGS 1 to Phantom Pain would be great. Resident Evil Series and Grand Tourismo also.


I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed the Crusader and MDK episodes since those were passion projects for me! They do seem to have the worst view counts, though, but I still want to do more 'less popular' games like that in the future! -John


Soul Reaver for sure. Also, I looked up an old post on NeoGaf about Earthworm Jim where you also chimed in on the best versions available. Would be good to cover that since there's still some confusion out there as to which versions are available and how they compare to the HD version.

Kenneth Fegley

Resident Evil 4 could be fun. Lots of ports with their own quirks


Burnout series!


Heh, what are the odds? We were JUST discussing the possibility of this 10 minutes ago. Can't promise anything yet but...I'd love to do it! -John