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New page! NSFW again! 

Ahh, track 8 is finally over. I'd ask you guys what you think, but considering how many dropped patrons we had while this chapter went on, I probably already know. It definitely dragged on quite a bit, and us dealing with stress, family and roommate drama had some pages come out rougher than we had liked. And while I personally think the sex scene is hot and helps strengthen the new relationship with Dakota, it still took like a fucking month to get through. Thanks for being so patient with us, guys. We learned a lot of lessons from this chapter and we're applying them immediately. We're getting right back to the core plot straight from the start of track 9, and we're never going to do such a long sex scene again. We've got better ideas on how to incorporate sex and story together, and I can't wait to show you guys!

We're going to take a short five day break while we work on more buffer, so no updates this Wednesday or Friday. But hey, you $5+ are gonna get 12 pages immediately come October 1st, so look forward to that shit! I'm really happy most of you guys are gonna get a huge chunk of story right up front because we seriously can't wait to show this shit off. In the meantime, we'll post some of our rough-sketches to give you a little taste of what Track 9 will be all about. See you then!




I loved track 8 tbh, I finally became a patron this month. Looking forward to whatever you come up with.

Ken Snider

I personally think you are taking the wrong lesson from Track 8. I thought it was an excellent track, and I think the way you incorporated Dakota was excellent, and that build up gave a feeling of genuine sincerity to the whole experience. It's the start of school season. People have new expenses, new iPhones were released, etc etc - I'd really personally hate to lose out on the sexy-time character development (or same-sex scenes, for example), just because you decided to start chasing revenue instead of doing what you feel is best for the characters and the comic. Please don't go that route.


Oh no, don't get me wrong, we're not doing this to chase revenue. We just don't want people losing interest in the comic either, and I think this chapter dragging as long as it did in some scenes turned more people off than it, well, turned people on. Don't worry, you're not gonna be losing out on sexy-time character development and we're DEFINITELY not going to be skimping on same-sex scenes, especially in this next chapter. We just won't have them take as long as the Steg/Suria/Dakota scene. Gotta try to strike that right balance of pacing, that's all.


Another perspective on why you might have been losing patrons... I originally became a $5 patron because I really wanted to access the extra singles comics. Since then, I have really learned to appreciate the engagement you have with your patrons and I love feeling a part of the Rock Cocks family and staying informed about what's going on, so I will keep my pledge even though the singles comic is no longer guaranteed per month. That being said, I can understand why some people would choose to drop out because of that. My personal feeling about the new reward of a month's worth of comics in advance is a bit ambivalent, because I know I won't be able to resist reading them all at once, and that means a whole month without new Rock Cocks content. From that perspective, this perk might even be a negative for me. If there are others who feel that way, who don't mind reading the comic at its usual pace, but who really appreciated the extra content in the form of singles, they might have changed or ended their pledge because of that. I don't think the pacing of this track was majorly off, and I really liked the character and relationship development of the scene with Dakota. Unless you have very strong evidence indicating that a lot of people hated it (as opposed to them ending their pledge because of the rewards or because of the timing, as Ken Snider said), don't let it affect your plans for the comic! Keep up the awesome work :)


I think there might be some confusion. For the new reward, the month of early comics, it doesn't just stop at the twelve pages upfront. You'll still be getting regular updates on top of that continuing from those pages. Like, by the end of October, you'll have had 24 pages of Rock Cocks, including the 12 you had at the beginning of the month. Just to lay it out even clearer, October 1st you'll get pages 1-12, then that next Wednesday you'll get page 13, Friday you'll get 14, and on and on. It'll still update like normal, you'll just be twelve pages ahead. Hope that clears up the confusion! And thank you both for the kind words. Maybe I'm just overthinking things. I'm always trying to improve myself when it comes to writing and I don't want to get lazy. I want to find my flaws and fix them. I am really glad you guys liked the chapter! But I can't really just rest on that, I want to get better as a writer. I won't sacrifice the stuff you guys like in the process, though. Thanks for sticking by me, even when I'm attacking myself! I really appreciate the constructive criticism.