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Hey guys! Just a reminder, no new Rock Cocks until October 1st. But when we come back, you $5+ people are getting twelve pages right from the start!

Until then, here's a little teaser for some new characters you'll see in this chapter. I know some of you might not want to get spoiled, so if that's the case, then just don't click any of these links below. These are all rough sketches Leslie made as we tried to figure out these characters. One of these sketches is so old, it includes the original roughs for an entirely different character...Dakota! The last link includes a version of Dakota back when he was just some dude. His design was really boring, we had nothing going on. Originally, he was just going to be a begrudging bus driver hired by Seth, who was only around for the paycheck and would eventually warm up to Steg and Suria. Glad we didn't do that. Also, NSFW!

Link 1 

Link 2

Link 3 

Link 4 

Don't remember if I said this yet, but we're still waiting to hear back from the apartment complex we applied to! We're really excited and anxious, I really hope we get in. If not, we're gonna be stuck at Leslie's parents for a bit while we find something else. We'll let you know as soon as we get confirmation! Thank you all! See you again soon!



I am loving Coral and she hasn't even appeared yet! :D


And I already have a thing for Clover <3


Oh yeah, I like where this is headed!


Coral is sooooo cute ❤