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Fancy, right? You guys already knew about all this, but I figured I'd incorporate it into the teaser anyways! Leslie and I are moving next month, and we could really use all the financial help we can get! So we busted our ass and came up with even more rewards for this month! Get the fuck ready, 'cause you guys are getting a ton of shit!

First of all, the big new one: A month of early Rock Cocks! As said before, you $5+ guys are going to get an entire month of early comics! What better way to kick off Track 9 than to get 12 pages of it IMMEDIATELY? Naturally, you'll keep getting more pages throughout the month, so all you Patrons who pledge $5 or more will stay an entire month ahead of the site's schedule! By the time the site hits 12 pages, you'll be on page 24! Fuck yeah!

Not only that, but even though we said we'd be slowing them down, we did another Singles comic anyways! With a title like "Exhibitionist Elizabeth", how could we pass it up? Not only will $5 people get a month of early Rock Cocks, but you'll also get to see what we DIDN'T show you during Elizabeth's late-night shenanigans in the desert motel! Prepare for lewd!

Oho, we're not done yet! We're celebrating three of our unique couples on this month's pin ups! Steg and Suria, Seth and Georgie...but who's the third couple? Why, they're the two new characters we'll be introducing in Track 9! What better way to get introduced to them than to see them playing with each other? Not that the others are slouching, of course. Lots of foreplay and lap-teasing in these! You're going to love them, all you $10+ peeps!

So, to recap, $5 Patrons get a month of early comics and 20 Singles comics. $10 Patrons get the month of early comics, the 20 Singles comics, AND the 89 pin ups. If you're in those tiers yet and you want in, you have until October 30th, 8:00 PM EST to up it! Any later than that, and you'll miss out! We have no idea when Patreon will enable upfront charges for us, so you'll probably have to wait another month if you skip out!

Thanks again, everyone! We wouldn't be able to do this without your incredibly generous support! We're really excited to show you what we've got in store for Track 9, and we're so happy most of you will get to see a good bit of it immediately! I know you're going to love it! See you tomorrow with the last page of Track 8!




Okay, you talked me into it. I just upped my pledge to $10/mo. Well worth it.


Done! Upgraded!


I love You going South :-) Is it possible to place a tip jar here on Patreon? In xchange for a fine Liz- based singles story I'd love to return something to you guys. Thanks for all of it and keep on rocking....