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Exclusive to Patrons: We're bringing you our review of Shazam: Fury of the Gods early! David, Devindra, and Jeff discuss the new entry into the DCU and how it measures up to the previous entry. 

Spoilers begin at ~19:56 into this audio.

Note: This is just the review segment of next week's podcast episode. The Shazam: Fury of the Gods podcast episode next week will air as usual, with this exact same segment at the end of it.




Hi Dave I'd like to go back to listen to your previous reviews of the John Wick movies. I can find part 3....are part 1 and part 2 available somewhere as well?


Chapter 2 is episode 405 and you should be able to find that with a Google search. I have yet to find episodes older than #368, unfortunately.


I'm shocked by how casually everyone moved on from the Skittles thing in this episode. I thought the movie was fun for the most part, but that was one of the most insane and egregious bits of product placement I have ever seen in any movie. I had to contain myself in the theater, I was laughing so hard and I truly couldn't believe how brazen it was. Adam Sandler would watch this movie and think "maybe you went too far guys".