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I was hoping to complete page 9 today... But I received a call from the ministry of finance yesterday and they insisted for a meeting with me today. Don't worry, I'm not in any kind of trouble, they just wanted to give me a formation about their new systems and how I need to use it in the future.

It ran a bit long and took a lot out of me (bureaucracy is my kryptonite). I will still put a few hours on page 9 today... and hopefully complete it by tomorrow, but I have a thing tomorrow night, so I might not be able to complete it before the weekend.

Life keeps getting in the way; I have a coloscopy next week (fun!), but we are still on schedule to complete this issue before the end of the month.

I just wanted to keep you in the loop.

See you guys soon!




Be glad they helped you vs the US where they would just send some pdfs for the new system and tell you to call and wait for 2 hours to get help


I totally agree... and was REALLY surprised when I learned why they wanted to schedule a meeting. I did appreciate the gesture.


Is this comic a continuation of "Complete Guide to Wookie Sex" or something different? Are you going to continue it?


this particular chapter is parallels to the main story... but yes it's the same series