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Hello my beautiful people.
I hope you are doing fine.

Last week was weird, but things turned out fine in the end and I managed to deliver on all my objectives, so I'm pretty happy.

I also had a great weekend: saw some friends. Saw "Wakanda Forever". Played some games... Fun times. 

This week:

Only one page and the cover to go. I'll try my darn best to complete both this week. But I'm a bit under the weather today (still haven't fully woked up) and, as you know, I have a coloscopy scheduled on Wendnesday morning, I'll be under heavy sedation and I have no idea how things will go from there.

So... I'll aim for both. There's a chance that I'll only deliver a page this week... and a smaller chance that you won't ear from me until next week outside of a small update to confirm that I'm still alive :P

As bad as this look, we are still on schedule to complete this issue before the end of the month, wich I'm extremely happy about.

That's it for now.
See you guys soon!



'Saw with friends'. Which of you turned out to be Jigsaw? :-)