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It's been quite a while since I played into my original playground. So when came the time to plan this piece, I had so many possible options in mind. But I went with one I don't remember ever drawing before. Elisa and Angela.

Hope you guys dig it!

As for the Star Wars comic...

I'm still thinking about the rewrite. My hopes where to save most of it and only include a new scene... But merging these two options do not seems to work neither for me nor Ferawyn (who's been kind enough to hear me out ). So it's basically a complete rewrite of the second half of the issue... Going in a whole new direction. I haven't put anything on paper... It is still a bloated mess in my head, full of repetitions at the moment. I still need to sort it out a bit and simplify it before writing it down. But I also gotta move quickly before my mind start to wander and I forget it. I plan to write the first draft over the weekend.

That's it for now.
See you guys soon!



Ryan Feather

This makes me pine for another BvB game.


Would love to see a third game with Angela added to the harem.


I fucking love it when you do Gargoyle's artwork. BvB is still my all time favorite porn game.


Thanks man I tend to stay away from the subjects in pinups since I have these 2 games and a comic project around it. It's just how my brain works. But I should really play in this universe a lot more. I ADORE it ^^