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Work wasn't satisfying on Monday. The reason was simple, I didn't like what I was working on.

Going from the last cell on page 10, to the first one on page 11, just didn't work. Also the framing and body positions in page 11 was just to similar to page 10 (I tend to do that: Finding something that works and reusing it again and again. Which is fine when I plan my meals, but not so good when it comes to keeping a comic book interesting.)

So, I decided redo the layout of what was page 11 and to add a quick scene in between these two pages. Drew that new scene yesterday... And just opened up a shit can of new questions and possibilities about this issue and the future of the series... I might have found a direction for the rest of it.

So, I'm back to the scripting phase. Right now, I think I'll keep the rest of this issue as is but I do want this last-minute addition to be as tight as possible so I can build off it in the future.

In these circumstances, I doubt I'll have a page ready by the end of the week... But just know that this is because I'm working to make this issue (and whole series) even better.

Meanwhile, I'll be working on a pinup while cogitating all of it with Ferawyn's help.

See you guys soon!


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