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Check out this insane render I did of Angelina Jolie's Lara Croft in her sexy Grey Wetsuit from Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life 2003. Would love to of seen her battle Someone like Denise Richards in her Prime.

The craziness in my personal life is finally about to subside, so I expect life to return to its regular schedule.  I apologize for being away for so long, but I do have a complex personal life I juggle alongside making these. I just want that to be known.

Thankfully, My Content has been doing well.

I just crossed 3.5 Thousand Subscribers, on Youtube.
1,500+ Followers on Deviantart.
Lara vs Cassie passed 40K Views
Black Cat vs Catwoman is on its way to 100k+
and Samus vs Widowmaker crossed 10k!

Having said that I'm at a point now, where I feel like nothing I put on a screen anymore is going to matter much in the long run, However, it feels good to of hit these benchmarks.

Just wanted to share some progress and projects behind the scenes. I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things. 



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