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Hey Guys, woah, it's been a minute. I feel so bad for being out of touch for so long! It feels good to finally give an update. I'm finally going to be available on Discord, if anyone wants to reach out.  

In my last couple of posts, I've been rambling about mental health, but I'm in a much better place now. The only problem is that I'm being pulled in way too many directions in my personal life! I'm about to wrap up a hectic week, then I can finally get back to content Creation and Animation!

Thank you to everyone for bearing with me. To successfully animate, and make progress, I need time and creative motivation, and those don't always line up when they need to.

Have you guys seen the SORA AI-generated videos? Animators and Artists might not be needed for much longer. In the very near future, screens will be completely devalued, as anything we can imagine, can be brought to life with a simple text prompt. Until then, I'm here to carry us over.

Thanks again to everyone who has been patient, you guys are real fans! <3

For now, please enjoy this sexy screenshot. I made this one a while ago as a concept for where this fight would eventually go....  As you can see the dresses are quite different than what I ended up going with in the final product.

Wishing Everyone here the Best! Excited to share this with the world when it's done.




Hooray! Welcome back! 😃

Captain Pond

Welcome back, happy to hear you're doing better!