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Yet another month has passed! Hopefully August won't be as warm as July was, because it is not fun to draw during a brutal heatwave :') 

Here's a little review of how this month has gone for me:


As an artist, I’m known for how I draw feminine characters. This month I stepped entirely away from that and drew environments, animals, and people from a different age group or type than I usually draw. It’s because I really wanted to focus on technique and moving away from my comfort zone helped me to do that. When I work on something that I’m already so accustomed to drawing, I feel the pull of my usual workflow and it’s harder to try something new. When I draw something outside of that, I think more about my creative choices: what do I want to convey? Which technique do I want to try? It’s been really refreshing and enjoyable to do that this month! And it’s sparked some new ideas and interests that are motivating me to try more things in the coming weeks.


I’ve been thinking about updating the structure of patreon for a while by setting up a discord and creating a new tier with more interaction and art challenges, but it went on the backburner because I just didn’t have the time or resources to make that happen. Recently, a lovely patron reached out to me about setting up a discord, and with their help, the plans have gained momentum again and I hope to launch the new setup in the fall. If you have any suggestions for a discord community for this patreon, please fire away! Any suggestions would be helpful and welcome!

As always, thanks so much for your support! I'll be sending out links to this month's google drive folder today. If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to share them with me through a direct message or e-mail to loishh@gmail.com. Any and all feedback is welcome! I hope you’ll continue to be my patron and enjoy the content coming up next month! ❤



The new tier sounds so exciting! I’d love for more interaction! Do you know what price the new tier is going to be?


i haven't worked out those details yet unfortunately! but i'll be working on finalizing those decisions in august and then announcing them in september!

Pierre Brown

Yay!! Will the discord eventually have the “homework/exercise/assignment” interaction as well?




This sound great to me. I’m apart of another patreon who has a discord too. My favorite part about it is the monthly challenges. And at the end of each month he actually briefly goes over each entry.


The discord idea sounds fun! I'm interested!


Are you going to be creating NFTs anytime soon I’d love to grab some of your stuff if you’re already selling any!


I would love some more interaction too! It would be great to try and have a place where we can all share and learn from each other. The monthly themes or challenges would be surely fun! But also a space to get feedback would be fantastic. I look forward for the new tier! 😊


hey hannah! I don't plan to create NFTs for now :) but you can buy prints or books with my art!


at some point in the future i'd like to introduce a tier for that as well! but this new tier will be more low-key, just challenges/Q&A sessions/etc.