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Hey everyone! The game I worked on with Smash Phil and Roolo is out now! You can get it HERE.

Cursed Crew is a really cool 'high stakes' rogue-like crew management game where you're a captain of a pirate ship drifting through the seas set in a fantasy setting of the Golden Age of piracy. You need to ensure everyone is well fed and their morale is kept high as you travel from area to area with one goal in mind: to defeat the boss. You will be doing quests, fighting off other ships, trading, bartering, killing traders, taming crabs, dying to the sea witch and much, much more.

The game is releasing in Early Access. We have spent the last 3 years working very hard on it - there is quite a sizable selection of content already present, but we're not stopping there! We have plans for a lot more content, which will include new areas, new bosses, new ships, a complex curse system and the most important: Steam Workshop support.

I encourage you to check the game out and once you form an opinion about it: leave a review! We're excited to see what you think of Cursed Crew and I hope we can pleasantly surprise you. Please bear in mind the game is in Early Access - we are not a massive game studio, we're still learning what works and what doesn't. 

What did I do for Cursed Crew?

I have been approached by Roolo a long time ago with a proposition to do graphic design and game art for the game he was conceptualising. After a few long calls we have decided to go with a Tim Burton-esque style inspired by Don't Starve, and I think it works perfectly for the grim yet quirky setting of the game. I have been helping with design and ideas too, but my main duty was making sure that everything we required had artwork created for it. I think I did a pretty good job already, and there is loads of new stuff I just can't wait to show you!

What do I like most about Cursed Crew?

I think the thing I like most about Cursed Crew is ship to ship combat. Ever since I played these cool games on Roblox with pirate ships shooting each other, I always wanted a game with an engaging and fun ship-to-ship combat system. Cursed Crew offers quite a big depth of strategy when it comes to facing the enemies - and the sheer amount of different cannons you can equip will give each and every one of you new ideas on how to tackle the enemy.

What was the hardest task?

Nothing was easy, I can tell you that much. While I'm fairly confident with RimWorld art, Cursed Crew style was not something I was familiar with at first. I think the hardest task is designing the UI. I am not the best at it, and I'm constantly working on improving myself. I'm sure the UI in Cursed Crew will be evolving with time, and it will reflect my skillset and personal growth in that area. I will not rest until it's the best it can be.

Why Early Access?

A lot of big triple A games end up as early access because the devs want to use it as an excuse why the game isn't great. We are not a big studio. We chose Early Access because we want to be transparent and tell you straight away that the game will be changing over time. We are constantly working on it and adding new content, and I hope you will keep booting it up from time to time to see what has changed!

You can buy the game on Steam at:


You can also join the Cursed Crew discord!




The time is now!


CONGRATS!!! I remember you drawing the boat a while back, and the amount of detail and aesthetic behind it was genuinely humbling. The game looks gorgeous and I can’t wait to play it!!


Gonna give the game a serious try in a bit, but also im just glad to support my fav mod team.


That's amazing!


Gonna give it a shot soon!