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Hello everyone and welcome to another development diary!

Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect is on a great way to be released fairly soon. It's going into testing today, and if everything is fine, it will release next week!

As it always is, let's take a look at what the mod has to offer:

That's it for the Architect mod!

Let me know what you think and I can't wait to have the mod shipped out to you ASAP!



Fantastic! Especially the bridges and foundations. Looking forward to it!


Will the fences work like the vanilla fences work right now? Also very nice work but it’s no surprise by now is it ahah


I love the new wood colors. I definitely understand the reasoning behind not adding new resources for them. I wonder if it would be possible to tie the colors in to some of the trees currently in game like birch or pine. Do you think it'd be possible?


The concrete is a life saver, I was thinking about doing a swamp colony!


Recently I found myself keep checking my email for another dev blog. It's like your favorite series when you can't wait for the next episode each week :P Cool stuff as always!


Probably could tie them to the biome you're in, but that's very restricting and would probably break on modded biomes.


Thank you for taking the time and responding. I really appreciate all that you have added to this game.

Lyn the Cookie

This is awesome! This was one of my most desired mod from the roadmap. Can't wait to get my hands on it! By the way Oskar, did you get better from the flu?


Looking forward to giving it a spin; damn shame one can't build floors on your bridges, but I'm guessing that's an engine limitation? P.S. Are your bridges limited as limited in regards to types of water as vanilla bridges, or do they more resemble other bridge mods?


Will the wood colours apply to certain stuffable furnitures? Would be neat to have different wooden chairs and beds for example.


Bridges can only be placed on water and swamp. You can however put foundations on other terrain that doesnt support buildings.


Thank you for cool news! Will waiting to begin new game ;)It’s will be great to do mod option (!) for a possibility to make chainlink fence impassable, but shootable. It is realistic and just a slighlty cheating :P like in popular fences mods


Looks nice, but is stone slabs being cheaper and more beautiful than polished stone floors an intentional choice? Of course understanding room for aesthetics, it seems like there's no mechanical reason to bother with polished stone floors.


It would be amazing to be able to place floors on them, IMO; so much more flexibility for aesthetic base-building. As for not being able to build on deep water and the like (presumably), fair enough, though a tech for it'd be neat.