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Hello everyone!

We have a big announcement to make.

Some time ago, I have decided that it would be great to have a large, comprehensive document with all available RimWorld lore, so that it's easier for us to come up with new 'Vanilla-friendly' ideas. This slowly evolved into a doc containing not just RimWorld lore, but also Lore written by us for the purpose of other mods - be it mechanoids, insectoids etc.

I sat down and thought: Why don't we expand the lore, flesh it out, make it awesome and interesting to read?

So Linden Wright, our writer, and I started cracking on and dissecting every single bit of RimWorld lore out there - be it Cryptosleep Revival briefing by Tynan, or ingame descriptions and backstories, and we did accidentally write a nearly 100 page long Google document that outlines in detail pretty much everything there is in RimWorld, and more.

Then it occured to me, that this could serve as an absolutely great collectible item - but it doesn't feel right to profit off of it, as technically this is not official lore. It's written by us - mod makers, and it's merely our interpretation of it.

So what we decided is as follows:

Vanilla Lore Expanded will be available for online reading, for free, by everyone.

Vanilla Lore Expanded Physical edition will be available for purchase at PrepareCarefully.com once it's finished. I heard that you'd love it in hard cover so I will look into it.

Why do we want to sell it in physical copies? Because the project itself costs us a few thousand dollars, as we are hiring the best illustrators out there - and not just any illustrators, but those that have created RimWorld inspired art.

Epebe is responsible for all human-depicting art, whilst Senk Kei will most likely be handling all the Animals.

Example of Epebe's art:

Example of Senk Kei's art:

We decided that we will sell a limited amount of physical copies to get at least some of the money back - but remember, it will be completely free to read online!

We have however a huge offer planned, something to help us fund the project even more!

If you become a Silver ($5) tier patreon (or upgrade from Steel to Silver) between now and the end of the month, you will be able to read snippets of our work in a new regular series of posts called Vanilla Lore Expanded.

If you're already a Silver tier patron or higher, you don't need to do anything - you're eligible!

To help you decide, have an example here:

Archotech Spy
Whilst official reports are skeptical about the locations of various Archotech worlds, they are publicly acknowledged to exist, the main reason being not wanting to potentially anger something that is so far beyond humanity’s understanding that it could threaten the continuation of the species. Various government procedures need to be certified - or illegally obtained - before the potential location of a star system of interest is disclosed.
Oftentimes a transcended world is suspected to be a dwarf planet, planetoid, or gas giant, so potential researchers are forced to slowly perform scans on multiple orbiting bodies before more detailed scans can take place. This caution is not unwarranted, however, for some AIs do not like to be observed and will sometimes even do some probing of their own. Whilst offering little that the Archotechs already have, their potential as sources of information - or espionage - is not taken for granted.
Having an AI master is something most would spring for without hesitation, for it is their belief that their loyal service will give them whatever rewards they so desire. But an Archotech is as enigmatic as an Old God and their wants and desires are beyond human’s understanding. Those that attempt to curry favour would do well to imagine their response akin to a common garden ant asking a human for a boon. These overlords view their servants' desire for freedom as betrayal and will punish such an affront with whatever methods they so please.

Furthermore, every single person who has ever donated at least 1 USD to us will have their name printed on the last pages of the lore book. No: Your name doesn't get bigger the more you donated!

I do believe a book like this is a great first step towards making a custom paper RPG in RimWorld setting, which is something I had my eyes on for a while.

Please let me know what you think about this idea, and if you'll be interested in getting your hands on a book. I'm sure some of you would love to have it on your shelf as a physical copy, so please do tell me, because I don't know if I should request for 100 of them to be printed or 1.000.



Totally plan to order a physical copy- keep up the good work


I'd be interested in a physical copy.


if I lived in a country closer to the usual distribution centers of this products, I would 100% get one. Unfortunately though, I live in south america, and that means taxes and shipping will probably make it unaffordable for me. So I'm afraid I will probably read it in pdf.


A physical copy of the book is definitely going to be on my Christmas list haha


I will absolutely be buying a hard cover book! Reading a pdf just isn't the same


Amazing. That its free online is very generous, but you can be sure Ill buy a physical copy Adding patron's names to the book is just ..I feel loved :')


Definitely want a hard copy for Christmas! Santa, I've been a good boy this year and barely harvested any organs that I didn't absolutely need


Id love a hard copy

Lyn the Cookie

I am very excited for this book, and as an artist myself I understand the payment process for the artwork (which looks fantastic by the way). I really like a lot how Rimworld lore feels very distinct from other science fiction settings, and since I play it mostly for the storytelling aspect, I like to read more about the lore you guys come up with (even though I also like to write my own lore to include the weird mods I use, like magic, FTL travel, monster girls, etc.) Wait, did you say something about Rimworld tabletop RPG?!


I 100% want a hard copy! PDFs are fine, but what if I have a “Zzzt” or a Solar Flare? This sorta stuff really gives me that ooomph, I made a good choice supporting feeling!

Zachery Gaskins

I'm very interested in learning more about plans to design an RPG that engages both the narrative aspect of the experience but streamlines away all of the fiddliness that the computer version handles behind the scenes. And I also would buy a hardcover book.


100% will be buying this!


This sounds amazing, will definitely be planning on buying a physical copy if possible


I would adore getting a physical copy of the book! And a hardcover one at that!! :D


Ooops wrong leg :D


I'm only worried to be able to get my physical copy. Phycisally and financially :P


I Hope there are enough physical copies. They are not gona be on spanish . But okay


Hmm, I know it's not that easy to manage such project, but maybe consider give us a way to preorder the book. This way everyone interested would have their chance to actually obtain it plus it would be easier to manage how many pcs should be printed.


I would love a a rimworld RPG, just the idea of it makes me want to buy this book


Will be picking up a physical copy for sure


Also physical copy for me! I am a vote for hard cover as I’d love this on my shelf


Both a physical copy and a RPG would be something I'm down for!


Would definitely be interested in a physical copy, especially a hardback!


I'll be upgrading to the Silver tier and will be looking forward to purchasing a hard back copy if you go that route 🤙


I would definitely get a physical copy once it's possible!

Johnny Nielsen

Hard back or not at all. Though I would first need to get me somewhere to live and get a bookshelf or 2 or something the like.


I'd be interested in a physical copy. Softcover or hardback doesn't matter to me.


I will definitely be buying a copy when it comes out! This looks so cool!


100% buying one, maybe 2


I would love to buy the physical copy preferably with hard cover if i can afford it at the moment. If you have any prices in mind, even rough estimate would help a lot in making a decision.


Glad to be writing for this project Oskar! Ps: Not linden wright, I just did some minor parts.


I can't wait to get my hands on a physical copy!


I utterly and completely would want to purchase a copy! If there are enough requests, would you consider another round of printing? I would hate to miss out!


I have spent 2000 hours in this game and been influenced so much by it's lore, there is no doubt that I want a physical, hardback copy of the book.


Well... I definitely need a copy of this. Hot dang.


I will definitely be buying one in hardback when we get there. Maybe throw out a survey as we get closer to release to get an estimate on how many prints you’ll need. Can’t wait!


Absolutely would love a hard copy of this! A real book on the shelf will remind me every time I see it of all the fun I’ve had with such an amazing game and talented community.


I would love to get my hands on a physical copy!


Getting a copy of this is an absolute must for me. I'm approaching 4000 hours in this game and I love the lore and the mods from vanilla expanded. I would prefer a hard cover however since that's more durable. and any info on prices would be appreciated.


This project is fantastic ! I join the others about getting a physical copy with hard-cover ! In relation to your questioning about the number of copies, I think you should do a survey and communicate about it on Reddit / Steam... where your fans are. Not everyone come here, but certainly a part of them will be ready to buy this book. With a survey spread over a medium time (1 month, maybe two I don't know) you can check how many copies will be needed and even plan to have a little surplus. And futhermore you can ask about how many peoples are interested by a hard-cover. With prices and all. Maybe you can have 100 hard-cover and 1200 normal copies. Or only 500 hard-covers and no normal copies. Ask some print shops, make a price grid (even with ranged values) and do a survey. I think it's the better option to widely satisfy your fans. You have time to plan it, study the "market" etc. And it would be a solid first step to make a paper rpg. Because you will know your audience. Hopefully it will help you ! And I profit to thank you and the team behind you to all the contents that you created. You gave me the desire to do modding and create stuff that I have on my mind and not only in the modding aspect ! Keep going people !


I have to admit, I was a bit sceptical when Vanilla Lore Expanded was announced some time ago, but after reading the excerpt and seeing, how much effort and content went into it, I will go for a physical copy for sure. Just a little question (hope I did not read over it): Will the pdf document get updated, when other VE-Mods or official content drops or is this a finished work for now?


I will definitely be getting a physical copy of this. Again and again you guys keep amazing me with the awesome content you and your team make. Keep up the good work.


Shut up and take my money! Boy, this is great! You aways manage to make things even greater!


Of course I want a physical copy !




Hardback buyer right here!


I would absolutely love a hard copy


I would most definitely get one of these. Hard for a hardback!


i will definitely buy a hard copy


Definetly buying a hard copy if I would be able to afford it (or if they wont be sold out in the first hour)


It most likely won't be updated, it's a single release and won't be a live document. There is a chance a new one will be released in the future if there is need for it, but I don't see why there would be a need for it in the first place. So far people survived without it.


Hard copy is a must have!


I would 100% buy a hardcopy of this. Seems great!


I would buy a hardcopy even if I would have to sacrifice my kidneys to Randy.


I would 100% buy one