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I never expected to be here. Not going to lie, I never expected to reach 50 patrons. When I set this place up I expected it to be something I'd just set up and leave, like Ko-fi that I had but no longer use.

I remember very well how we got to 100 patrons. The frienship made along the way. The force driving me forward to make development blog and give people a peek behind the curtain. I remember how having 100 patrons allowed me to finally give back to the community - but also treat myself to nice things that kept me motivated. A coffee here, a cheeky chinese takeaway there.

I remember 300 patrons. Took a year to get there. It was a huge milestone. Finally Patreon stopped being about 'tips' and started being about 'wage'. It allowed me to pay some of the bills, which meant I wasn't that stressed when wrapping sandwiches all day in Subway, dreaming about all the cool mods I'm going to do when I get home.

I remember 700 patrons. Such support really took all my worries away. I didn't work in Subway anymore. I left my other job as a Vape shop manager too. I only worked on mods, and for Tynan Sylvester on making RimWorld art. I was able to give money to people around me that helped me: and to all of them sweet sexy programmers and artists: Thank you for sticking with me when I was little and noone liked our mods.

I remember 800 patrons milestone. Hard not to remember: It was 2 weeks ago. What the f*ck guys. 300 new patrons in 2 weeks? Are you all insane? 

From the bottom of my heart, a tremendous Vanilla Thank You Expanded

You probably all expect me to stop my Full Time Job now, as that's what it says on the Patreon milestone. What if I told you that modding is my full time job now, and has been for a few months now? Can't really stop it, can I? :P Well, I'm certainly not planning to.

Vanilla Expanded is not just me, and it's very important to know. Let me take this moment to say a few words about everyone of us.

In no particular order:

Cassie (The Oracle), a great person who might not have been working on Vanilla Expanded mods, but drove me to make my favourite mod series, Rim-Effect, and has been the biggest inspiration to add everything Mass Effect related to RimWorld. She also made these dope Oskarmojis.

Chowder, my second favourite American, a gentle soul with a knack for Creative Writing. Great guy to do any descriptions for items and things, and never said 'no' to me.

erdelf, a scrub who recently joined our team. He's like a bag of roses, pretty, but if you put your hand in it, you will get hurt. I don't know where I'm going with it. He's alright.

Luis, a little young spaniard who was the first person I ever spoke to in regards to modding. He shown me the ropes of RimWorld art, pointed me in the right direction and said: GO.

Sarg Bjornson, my main inspiration. I played Alpha Animals and Genetic Rim long before I even started modding. I approached him one day about retexturing his Genetic Rim, I mentioned he's my great inspiration, he said I'm his, and now we have a bromance.

xrushha, my favourite russian. This guy singlehandedly enhanced our mod development speed by a hundred times. He does all of our xml, which previously I dreaded as it took me days to do simple items code. He knocks it out the park in an hour.

Erin, the best brit. She's awesome, makes excellent art, is stubborn but honest and modest. You couldn't ask for a better person to do Animal art. Well, maybe except me. You know what I mean ;) I can't openly admit someone's better than me, that's not in my nature.

ISOREX, an incredibly humble dutchman who makes excellent art. He helped us tremendously with numerous mods and will always have a place at Vanilla Expanded team.

Kikohi, I was first introduced to him by Trunken ages ago. Kikohi is an incredibly talented Frenchie who creates amazing code in no time. We've known each other for years now, and he improved more than I can ever dream to improve.

legodude17, a great guy from US of A, who joined us recently when integrating MVCF to our Framework. I was skeptical at first, but now I know he's not only a coding god, but also a cool lad to hang out with and play shitty games like Rocket League.

Andross, a scrub who loves CE, I think he works with CE too, I don't know. He's a wild card, a weird dude, but he has never refused to write a patch for us, hence he has the Master Patcher role. Truth be told his patches rarely work first time, but he tries his best.

Smash Phil, my close friend and colleague from Cursed Crew game we are developing together with Roolo. Great guy, great sass, very sensitive. He left me bagholding some kind of stock which he sold and never told me to sell too. Typical.

Taranchuk, if Ukraine had a Lead coding position in the government, he would probably have it. Great guy, fastest code in the west, it takes him 30 seconds to make mods.

Trunken and XeoNovaDan, both retired now, worked with me closely when I first began. They don't to mods anymore and moved on with their lives. At least Trunken has. XND is a scrub ha!

Damn, I hope I didn't miss anyone. That would be so unprofessional.

Ow snap, yeah.

Helixien, an Austrian, or a German, I don't remember. Great guy, we have lots of banter. He tries hard to make cooler mods than me, but I will let you guys be the judge of this competition.

Well, I'm going to Sainsbury in a moment to pick up stuff for lunch and dinner, and to pick up a good bottle of Gin and some tonic water. I will be playing GTA 5 tonight with some of the patrons over at our Vanilla Expanded discord to try to blow off some steam. Tomorrow, I'm back to modding.

If you're on the discord, you can tune in as I will be doing a small local stream. No camera or anything, just streaming GTA and drinking booze.

I will make a little Ask me Anything video on youtube where I will answer some of your questions. Ask them here, in the comments of this post. It can be anything, literally. Of course I won't be able to answer all questions, but I will try to answer as many of them as possible.

Thank you guys. You all are legends, you all are insane, and you drive me forward every day, and I couldn't ask for a better community to have. I hope I can keep bringing joy to you with all the new mods, because I'm certainly not planning to stop anytime soon!



Congrats! Its well deserved!


Congratulations on the 1000 Vanilla Patrons Expanded! You're currently the only person I support on this site, because my money is short - but I love your guys work and every email notification I get for a new post is a joy. Here's a question for the AMA: How did you start working with vectors? What tools or resources do you recommend for those who want to make vanilla-style art for their mods?


awesome, congrats!!


Crazy, I subbed not long ago at 790 then checked a couple days later and it was low 800s and now it's 1000, crazy


I joined about 30 minutes ago, having cancelled my WoW subscription haha! Congratulations, Vanilla Expanded complete my Rimworld experience :)


Super congrats Oskar! I'm so happy that you've reached this magnificent milestone and I hope the future only holds more amazing accomplishments for you. Thank you for everything you do, and if I may, I have one question: Did you start with traditional art, if you did, how did you make the transition to digital/what helped? If not, how'd you get about learning digital as your first medium with art? :)


Glad you've reached such a great milestone. Over 100 subs in the past few hours just from one post on the subreddit about your patreon page. Hoping for many more, you do great work!


Just joined a day ago so really excited to see you reach this goal so fast ;) You mentioned working for Ludeon/Tynan in some capacity, could you explain that a little in the Q&A maybe? Congrats again and I'll hope to tune into the stream tonight :)


Congrats on the huge milestone Oskar!!!! <3


Would you ever consider a big Vanilla Medicines expanded mod? More drugs to prevent illnesses and stuff. I’ve seen a few but one that uses plants and materials from your other mods would be super cool to see.


Hey, Glad to see you hit the big number, it is well deserved. I have been playing RW since 2016, and I distinctly remember discovering you for your furniture expanded and spartan foundry mods when you released them i think early 2019? I am soo happy that Vanilla expanded, has gone so far so many of your mods have since become a staple of my mod lists, so thanks you soo much for all your work.


Huge congratulations to you! I remember how happy to were around the 500 people mark haha. It’s crazy looking back over all the years of spectacular content produced by yourself and the team. Here’s to your continued success! A question for your AMA: What has been you’re favourite mod to work on (released or otherwise)?




Hell yea Oskar!! Killing it baby! Next stop 2000, then 10,000!

Andy Burchett

Your enthusiasm encourages me! And you and the team have made Rimworld absolutely amazing. Thank you! When I became a patron a long time ago I made myself a future reminder to cancel...did not want it just sitting there and forget. I deleted that reminder :). If you are not planning to stop anytime soon, neither am I. Excited for the future - love your 2021-2022 roadmap.


Well deserved :) Congratulations!


Vanilla Thank You Expanded makes me smile more than it should


Congrats Mr expanded!


Question for your ama since it'll probably come up from other people: how do you decide what to make as a mod. In other words, mod making process?


Congratulations! It's nice to see someone putting so many extra hours on my game getting the recognition they deserve, and I can't wait to see what the future holds! Question: If you could have a similar level of impact on any other game than Rimworld (Vanilla X Expanded) through your mods, which would you choose?


Congratulations Oskar and team! You are the only creators I support on Patreon because I'm really amazed at what you do. I'm a broke unemployed student but I still try my best to support my favorite modders!


Question: Will you ever hire me? ;). Add this one when you want some comic relief in your video.


You deserve it


Question: Do you believe Vanilla Expanded ever could become a part of the "base-game"?


First of all a huge thank you, i have been using your mods for a long time and tried to join patreon earlier but paypal was beeying horrific i managed to join now on a different payment method. As for a question on the Ama: what keeps you going if an idea doesnt work out the way you want and you need to stop or start over? how do you cope with that feeling if you ever have such moments. Once more a final thank you - i love royalty and ideology and the work you did there but vanilla expanded keeps the game fresh everytime i cannot wait for your work on all the new content from your roadmap


Congrats on the 1000 patrons! As far as questions go, is there any mod that you've wanted to make, but know you won't be able to for technical, financial, or any other reason? And to avoid a monkey's paw here, what would that mod be?


Congrats on all the patrons! Here's to a 1000 more! My AMA question what is your favourite Vanilla Expanded mod or which one did you have the most interest in making?


Congratulations Oskar. To you and the team that you build around the VE-mods. I wasn't able to be a Patreon the whole time but am happy to be part of the first 1000 on to the next milestone. Some small Q&A questions - Which mod do you admire the most from the workshop (excluding own team) - if you could adopt a mod which one and why. - and as last if Tynan/ludeon ask for a third DLC what it would be.


It’s been one year since i’ m following you and the amount of content and work you gave us was just amazing, i remember asking if VFA Mechanoids would make it into a mod not long later it actually happened. Thank you for all your work. Here’s my question: Would you at some point do some streams where people could join and see some of your work and also chat with you?


Question: Do you have plans to re-tune/go over old mods that may have strange interactions with Ideology? Vanilla Interactions Expanded is a great example, it has a lot of odd interactions with cannibalism, free love, high life etc c: Thank you for all the hard work you do, love your stuff!


Question: what is your favorite color


Super glad to see you and your team getting the recognition they deserve, as you guys have made Rimworld my all time favourite game at this point. Question: What are your favourite and least favourite systems in Ideology?


Question: Vanilla steampunk or dieselpunk expanded. I love the frontier mode, and i think it will be cool.


Question; If you could make one mod with unlimited manpower and money , what would it be?


Question: What project currently in the pipeline are you most excited to get out to the people? If that has already been asked then Question: Do you play rimworld for fun or does playtesting mods and stuff kinda take the spark out of it?


One of the hardest working mod artists in the business! Couldn't be happier to support this project and I *cannot* wait for the upcoming roadmap items to drop!!