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Hello everyone and welcome to the next development blog, this time focusing on our new upcoming mod called Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Relics and Artifacts.

It's quite a simple mod that adds more inert relics, as in, more variants of the 'useless junk' items that you find for your ideology. You know the chalices, shards, cubes etc?

Well there is now more of that. 40 more. I know, that's quite a lot.

Designing these was awfully easy, but it did take some time to do research into what potential relics we could add. I searched the internet far and wide, looking for various religious symbols - skulls, bones, shrouds, books etc.

Other relics are more rim-worldish, such as old engine parts, mechanoid heads, things like that should definitely add to the storytelling of your ideology.

I also made sure to include some cool little nods to other mods in the form of relics too. You can now see stacks inspired by Helixien's Altered Carbon mod, or a medallion with a wolf head from the Witcher, or hell, even an Apple of Eden from Assassins Creed series.

All in all, the mod adds plenty of new relics, but also unlocks apparel and armor - as it was weird to me that a gun can be a relic, but a piece of plate armor can't.

Next up we will probably go through the hats and rags module!

Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Relics and Artifacts will release after the weekend.

Let me know what you guys think, and if you want to join our testing server and get early access to mods to help us test them, simply follow the link below:


I have more news today but I will keep them in a separate post!



Quest for the holy grail? 😃Love this, keep up the great work!


congratz with >1000 patreons!


welp this was a major spoiler lmao why did I read the whole thing *facepalm*


Ahh shit i honestly didn't think there was any change that this would spoil anything, it was just the first thing thst hit me when seeing the mod and I got so excited about how it will make gameplay and the stories more interesting :/ It took myself 3 tries over 22 years to finally finish those books so trust me I'm sorry for blowing this for you like this. I will delete the comment since Oskar have seen it already, at least I can save someone else maybe


This is great! I might need to mod in an item for my future horse-worshipping cult haha. Love having all this variety <3