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Hey everyone. We have just created a new mechanoid for the Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids. This mech is an anti-infantry unit, heavily armored mech with a built in flamethrower. It has a chance to explode into a giant fireball if taken down, resulting in even more chaos on the battlefield. We need a name that fits other mechanoids, so I prepared a few and I leave the choice to you!



Leaning toward Torchbearer to try to keep with the medieval naming schema, but I'm surprised "Inquisitor" isn't among these.

Lyn the Cookie

That one might be !!FUN!! if you have some boomalopes on the map


What a great idea. I can't edit the poll, but if your comment gets 20 likes it will be inquisitor!


I really like Templar as it’s sympathetic to the vanilla naming scheme. Good stuff


I like Templar but maybe not got fire. Maybe for melee?


Might as well call it a Component Sink because I already see the amount of firefoam poppers I'm gonna use to defend against those. On that note, personally I absolutely hate combat with fire involved, as soon as any fuel puddles appear on the ground and you do not have firefoam or water on your defensive line you are forced to retreat or watch your pawns run straight out of cover and into the line of fire. The same applies to enemy raids, one well placed fire trap in a chokepoint can break almost any enemy force. I'd love to hear other people voice their opinions on this as I think I might be missing some crucial appeal or tactic.


Fire, in my eyes, is a heavily underused aspect of the game. Mechanoids are completely fire-resistant, and considering the lore behind them (being sent to wipe the planet clean), nothing screams 'weapons against organics' more than a flamethrower. Their drawbacks? They have short range, are slow and explode when shot (bear in mind, it's a Bomb type explosion, not Flame explosion, meaning it will deal damage to fellow mechanoids standing too close). Of course as everything in this mod, it will go through rigorous testing to make sure it's on point!


Are you aware of Orion's Mechanoids btw? Wondering if there might any unintentional overlap especially since it's the most vanilla friendly mechanoid mod at this time.


I am aware of the mod, but I'm not a fan. Either way, it won't be overlap - Orion is adding new ancient mechanoids to the ancient mechanoid faction. I am adding a whole new faction. It's like saying me adding viking faction is an overlap with numerous other medieval factions. They are two entirely different encounters, and in no way you will see Orion's mechs and mine side by side.


I was thinking salamander. Mythical creature associated with fire.