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After playing the game for a long amount of time, you’re not really looking forward to events anymore - they become boring. We have decided to come up with a reason to once again get excited when a colourful pop-up shows up in the right corner of your screen. 

Vanilla Events Expanded adds several new events to the game, all in line with vanilla events - nothing too drastic. A new tier of events is added - Purple events. Instead of having strict negative or positive effects, purple events force players to adapt as they last significantly longer than events like Toxic Fallout or Volcanic Winter.

Purple events are extremely rare, and can only occur after 3 ingame years pass. They can last between 15 days and 120 days. Their minimum time before repeat is 300 days. Favorability is VeryBad. Chance is 0.04 (⅓ chance of a Volcanic Winter, which has the lowest chance in vanilla game). Category is Big Threat.


Steam Workshop :: Vanilla Events Expanded

Steam Workshop: RimWorld. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif https://i.imgur.com/m7knAau.png https://i.imgur.com/yebnDL6.png 16/12/2019: Release https://i.imgur.com/X5NSzEI.png ...



Can't wait to check it out!


Been doing a few simulations to get a feel for the new events: in particular, the animal pod crash incident seems to be unintentionally overpowered. When I had genetic rim installed, almost all of the drops were hybrids (and more than half of those were thrumbo hybrids). Having removed that to see if it changed it, I've noticed that the vast majority of the animals that drop are still some the toughest in the game. Paraceratheriums and the giant alligators from megafauna, thrumbo, etc. Is there anything I can do to alter the rates so that it can be a bit closer to truly random?


In fact it is truly random. There isn't much I can do when other mods add overpowered animals to the game. The event itself has a small chance of it happening, and even if it does happen, it's not necessarily always good - if you lack a pawn with a high animal skill, or food to feed the animal, it can be more of a problem than help.


Another wonderful addition, thank you so much ^^ I was wondering if there is also a github link for this release? Apologies if there is and I just missed it.


There isn’t at the moment but there will be a google drive link as soon as I’m back from holidays! :)