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Hello everyone!

Today TTS comes a bit later than always, but it is one of the most important ones yet. 

To give you a brief background, work has started on a Unique Items mod. It will add a new tier of weapons and apparel inspired in mechanics by my Spartan Foundry armor mod. What does it mean?

These weapons and apparel will be a little bit more powerful than their legendary counterparts, non-craftable and only available as quest rewards. Additionally, only one of each of these items will be allowed to appear in the world - meaning you won't have two pawns with unique autopistols. These items are not meant to become standard issue for your colonists - instead they will be rewards for the best of your pawns.

They won't be overpowered. In fact, I aspire for them to instead of being just more accurate, damage-dealing or protective, to provide players with new, unique ways of tackling every day encounters.

Let me get to the examples:

Dragon's Breath - Unique Incendiary Cannon - Works the same way as an incendiary cannon, except fires three shots in quick successions.

Golden Eagle - Unique Autopistol - Lower accuracy and range than standard Autopistol, but much higher armor piercing. Can kill enemies in power armours with ease.

Military AR - Unique Assault Rifle - Exactly the same as a normal assault rifle, except the range is increased by 8 squares.

Makeshift Rifle - Unique Bolt Action Rifle - Fires significantly faster at the cost of reduced range.

These are only some of the weapons, but I also plan to add unique apparel and armour to the game.

What do I need you to do?

Here's the list of all the items I want to create unique variants of. Do what I did and comment down the item and your proposal for the effect it could have. How can it feel more unique, better and one-of-a-kind, but still fitting the game?

Assault rifle

Chain shotgun

Charge lance

EMP grenades

Frag grenades


Heavy charge blaster

Heavy SMG

Inferno cannon


Machine pistol


Molotov cocktails



Pump shotgun

Charge rifle

Recurve bow


Doomsday rocket launcher

Short bow

Sniper rifle

Bolt-action rifle

Incendiary launcher









 Cowboy hat

Bowler hat

Tribal headdress


War veil 





Button-down shirt



 Flak vest 

 Plate armor 

 Marine armor 

 Simple helmet 

 Advanced helmet 

 Power armor helmet 

 Psychic foil helmet 

 Shield belt 

 Smokepop belt 

When proposing an item, write down it's type (example: Flak Vest), it's unique proposed name (example: Hardened Flak Vest), a brief description of how you want it to look, a brief description that will be visible upon inspecting the item in the game (not mandatory), and the effect it could have (example: Higher Pain threshold, higher armor). At the end of next week I will post a list of all the ideas I am putting forward. 


This TTS thread will be used from 10/12/2019 to 17/12/2019.


I, Oskar Potocki, founder of Vanilla Expanded modding team, reserve the right to take ownership of these ideas in order to incorporate them into this page. By submitting an idea you agree to this very disclaimer.



Unique Revolver: Pepperbox Pistol - Rapid fire 6 shooter at the cost of lower damage. I would recommend a steampunkish design. Club: Ancient War Trench Club - Based on the WW1 trench club, I would recommend using the design from Battlefield 1. Armor piercing, even more so than most clubs, and has a chance to stun. However the weapon itself has low durability, as it is an antique. Sniper Rifle: WA-2000: Extremely, insanely rare scoped rifle, only 176 were ever made IRL. The bullpup design and wooden furniture means the weapon is very light weight and quick to reload. However, as the weapon has no iron sights, it's minimum range is quite high. Mace: Instead of a mace, I suggest an axe. Either a Leviathan Axe or a generic Norse axe. Legend says every swing leaves it's victim with frostbite, but that's just a myth, right? The weapon is so dull it's useless against heavy armor anyway. Charge Rifle: Arcotech Plasma Rifle - A blatant Warhammer 40K plasma rifle ripoff. The blue glow the weapon gives off should not be mistaken for cool air, these weapons have a small chance of blowing up in the hands of the user, a ball of plasma and fire erupting in their hands. While the range leaves something to be desired, its armor piercing is unmatched, and tends to ignite it's victims in plasma fire. Shortbow: Antique Chu-Ko-Nu. Of Chinese origin, this bow features a full wooden and iron design, with a unique rapidfire reloading and firing mechanism. While it fires in 4 round bursts, it is a pain to reload and somewhat inaccurate due to its difficulty to control. Some of my suggestions.


Sacraficial blade: Unique Ikwa. I imagine a jagged or curvy looking cultist knife. Lower damage, however it has a higher attack speed and a poison effect (similar to ones in your animal mods) Royal Plate: Unique Plate armor. Highly decorative armour with a gold trim. Makes you move even slower, however it is more protective and provies a social/trade boost. Could have a matching plate helmet/crown if you're doing unique versions of items from your other mods. The Wanderer's Jacket: Unique Jacket. Customised leather jacket with armoured shoulder and maybe an emblem on the back. Social/trade boost and higher pain threshold


-Unique great bow: The Waxing Cast. Made of two antlers of a sacred hind (golden deer), shoots bolts of moonlight (i.e. small, quiet plasma shots) instead of arrows. Basically meant to be the bow Artemis would wield. Also, having it fire every 1.3 seconds would be cool, since that’s the amount of time it take moonlight to reach the Earth. -Unique cowboy hat: The ten gallon falcon-a large hat with falcon feathers on the side and a single bullet hole in the middle. The premise is that it funnels bullets shot at the wearer into the hole in the middle, but in actuality it just lowers the opponent’s accuracy. -Unique Tribal Headdress: The Biggest Goat: features large, curving horns and appears to have long fur running down the back as decoration, significantly increases social chat impact (the Chinese word for “beautiful” can be broken down into “big” and “goat/sheep” components. Apparently it’s actually supposed to be a picture of a headdress though). -Unique Simple helmet: A Lovely Coconut: half a coconut shell with a grass strap. Makes the wearer have a much higher pain threshold) -Unique smoke pop belt: Ketchup Gas-either has a higher range than a normal smoke pop, or could potentially inflict a kind poisoned debuff as well. Looks like a bunch of ketchup bottles on a belt. If you want to be a bit more literal, you can have it be mustard gas with mustard bottles instead. -Unique T-Shirt: My Parents Went to A Glitterworld and All They Got Me Was This T-Shirt. Very high insulation and almost inflammable-but it’s absolutely terrible armor. Looks like a regular t-shirt, with a few squiggles on the front for writing. -Unique Parka: The Bark-a. Has a tree-bark pattern with a leafy ruff. Increases ranged block chance based on the premise that it is a disguise. Lowers social chat impact for the same reason: people get confused feeling like they’re talking to a tree. -Unique Pants: Liar, Liar, Never on Fire. Total fire immunity. Will never burn. Also great heat insulation, but terrible, terrible cold insulation. Also maybe do something with social chat impact, but I can’t decide if it should raise or lower. Blue with Water designs. -Unique Knife: The Subtle Blade. Flavor text says there are rumors that it can cut the fabric of reality itself, increases blocking at some or all ranges, but much slower to use. Has an amber blade with a leather handle, shaped like a dagger.


REALLY like the royal plate, especially with a crown. I could finally have a King pawn.


Some amazing ideas in here, keep them coming everyone!


This might be better suited to a pack of its own, but non-lethal versions of some weapons would be cool/useful. I'm thinking a tazer version of a pistol, a bean bag shooting shotgun, bolas instead of throwing axes, a cattle prod version of a club, and a man catcher version of a pole weapon. I'm thinking they would have very low damage and injury potential but very high stun chance. Use would be to stun lock a target until the small, incremental damage is enough to down them with relatively few injuries. The utility of the high stun chance would be balanced by the fact that you would need a few pawns with these weapons for each enemy target, making them more dangerous than useful when taking on large groups of enemies.


I actually had an idea for a Unique Sniper Rifle - A dart gun. Shoots sleeping darts, just like in the Jurassic Park. Takes 2 or 3 darts to knock a human unconscious, but each consecutive dart lowers Consciousness which means less accuracy, slower movement speed etc.


Experimental RDD (radiological dispersal device) or "The Dirty Rocket": Unqiue Doomsday rocket launcher. Huge explosion as usual, but leaves an area with fast acting toxic buildup for a good duration after the explosion. Firing it leaves the user with moderate to severe toxic buildup themselves. Urbworld Riot/Peacekeeper Gear: Unique Flak Jacket and Trousers. I'm imagining riot gear like the armour from the Judge Dredd movie. Boost to movement speed and pain threshold, can't think of a decent drawback.


Patreon keeps deleting my post (probably because I keep editing it/adding to it), here's one more time; -Unique Chain Shotgun -Named "Makeshift Shotgun" (Alternatively; "Shambler") -Have looks based off of the "Shambler" shotgun from the Metro game series with a small sight on top, and AK furniture (inspired from your Service Rifle from Vanilla weapons expanded) -Effect is fires 2 shots rather than 3, but with greater accuracy and range, and slightly quicker draw -Description: “A makeshift shotgun made by craftsmen in times of desperation to fight off genetically mutated animals on a Toxic World, it somehow found its way into this Rimworld.” -Unique Pila -Named "Thunder Stick" -Looks based off of the explosive spears (called Thunder sticks) in Mad Max: Fury Road, aka, a long pole with a can of explosives at the tip of it -Effect is after being thrown, it will explode on impact in a small radius, but takes longer to re-arm than the usual Pila Description: “A long spear with an explosive warhead fastened to the end of it that explodes on contact, used originally to combat armored police vehicles by aggressive Ubworld Rioters, but soon realized its effectiveness on individuals..” -Unique Shield Belt -Named "Experimental Shield Belt” -Looks of the shield itself is a orange-green sort of color based off of the Witcher “Quen” spell As for the looks of the belt itself, -Effect of it would be being able to stop Melee attacks alongside ranged, but lower belt durability and shield health, occasionally starting fires when struck -Description: “An early development of the Shield Belt, this device is quite unstable and will quite often release its energy upon the environment when impacted. On the plus side, this seems to stop ranged and melee attacks alike.” -Unique Longsword -Named "Aerondight" -Looks are a silver/plasteel blade, with a generalized sort of "mechanoid" theme/aesthetic to it, with the handguard facing forwards towards the blade more, like a more mechanical version of this; https://d2t1xqejof9utc.cloudfront.net/screenshots/pics/d75bfe140ee4483489402419b5aafc2a/large.png -Effect of it is it’s wielder will have a higher pain shock threshold, slight social impact boost, and will deal bonus damage to all Insectoid-classed creatures (Logic of it perhaps would be that upon cutting into an insect, the blade releases harmful mechanites which aggressively and quickly rip into the chitinous shell, overall dealing more damage in a slice) -Description: “A very impressive longsword that has been seemingly developed by mechanoids to ward off mutated insects. Rumor has it, this was the only version of this type of blade made, and that it has slain countless insects in its time. These rumors inspire confidence in its wielder.” -Unique Tribal Headdress -Named “Insectoid Headdress” (or anything better) -Looks like a megaspider skull of sorts combined with the hood, or any of the others if they were to fit -Effect is an increase in social skill/pain shock threshold, and potentially causing insectoids to flee from the wearer, or for them to go berserk. -Description: “Made by brave tribal warriors after successful ventures into bug infested caves. Bugs seemingly scatter at the sight of their dismembered kin on the wearer, and in some cases, become more aggressive.” -Unique Advanced Helmet -Named “Ubworld Militia Helmet” -Looks are based off the Altyn Russian helmets, with the facemask on them (Preferably with the mask down, but at the same time, looks really cool with it up) -Effects are much higher pain shock threshold and protection, but lowers accuracy of ranged weapons (and if possible, range. Alternatively, it can slow down the wearer as it’s a supremely bulky and heavy helmet that will make you top-heavy) -Description: “A heavy helmet of ancient design still found rarely among Ubworld militia due to it’s reliability against bullets and blunt objects. The visibility decrease makes using firearms more difficult.” -Unique Pump Shotgun -Named “Ubworld Police Shotgun” -Looks are the pump shotgun, but made out of polymer, shorter barrel length, a pistol grip, a “hollow” stock, and a short-range sight. Spare rounds can be seen on the side for quick and convenient reload -Effects are overall a bit shorter range than pump shotgun, but fires more often and with the “quickdraw” effect that you have in your Quickdraw mod due to ergonomic design and lighter weight -Description: “A pump shotgun modified to suit the needs of Ubworld Riot Police, featuring a shorter design with attachments for close range engagements with crowd control.” -Optional effect: to spice it up instead of normal shotgun rounds, it could fire non-lethal beanbag rounds to heavily bruise pawns and incapacitate them, rather than outright kill -Unique T-Shirt -Named “Ubworld Militia Shirt” -Looks are that of Russian VDV undershirts; a white shirt with blue horizontal lines -Effect is slightly higher pain shock threshold -Description: “A undergarment shirt used in bulk by Ubworld Militiamen. Comfortable and flexible design” -Unique Tribalwear -Named “Medieval Toga” -Looks are that of a white roman-styled white toga, with one shoulder exposed and a red belt -Effects are a higher social impact and trade price improvement -Description: “A toga often found in Medieval worlds worn by people of royalty, very comfortable.” -Unique War Veil -Named “Steamworld Digger’s Gear” -Looks are that of a dusty darkened bandana that covers the mouth, and bronze rimmed goggles for the eyes (or forehead) -Effects are a slight increase to mental break threshold, and an increase to mining speed -Description: “A combination of a bandana and a pair of goggles to commonly used by tunnel diggers in developing Steam Worlds to see and breathe better when digging.” -Unique Charge Lance -Named “Gauss Lance" -Looks are inspired off of the Gauss Rifle from Fallout: New Vegas, with the coiled barrel and hand-crank with a long range scope. -Effects are a high chance to stun any enemy hit by a projectile fired from this weapon, coupled with a slightly higher rate of fire. -Description: "A rare railgun fielded experimentally during the Mechanoid wars due to its reliability in taking down the even the toughest targets. It was never ordered into mass production, but what little copies remain are highly valued and effective weapons against metal and flesh alike." -Unique Cowboy Hat -Named "Pirate King's Hat" -Looks are a stitched up and battered Tricorn hat, with a thermal monocular over one eye and "comtacs" (a headset used to amplify low-level sound and protect hearing, used by military) -Effects are a that of normal cowboy hat, alongside improved sight and hearing, and higher pain shock threshold. Covers eyes and ears. -Description: "A tricorn hat with military gear worn by a legendary Pirate King long ago, utilizing ancient military equipment to better track down the band's next victims. Stylish and intimidating, this pirate earned their fame across many a Ubworld and Glitterworld alike." -Other note: have it cover eyes and ears for protection (as the military tech would slightly protect them), and to avoid clipping incase one were to try putting Glasses from your apparel mod on for example, but avoid covering jaw and the likes as to have freedom of a Beard, or a balaclava, or the bandana from the upcoming settler's mod. -Unique Marine Armor -Named "Pirate King's Armor" -Looks are a black/grey set of Marine Armor with different styled plating (like the front will be mostly flat, with large plates better protecting the neck/throax) a bandoleer, and a red skull on the front plate like seen on the world map pirate's bases. -Effects are slightly increased protection against ranged with a slightly lighter weight, which equals no movement speed penalty like seen with the normal counterpart, and decreased ranged weapon cooldown time due to the bandoleer, but slightly worse melee protection due to removal of some armor parts. -Description: "A set of marine armor worn by a legendary Pirate King long ago, making use of differently arranged plates for more flexibility and the removal of plates unnecessary to the King for decreased weight. There's a bandoleer fastened across the chest, and seen under is the emblem of the Pirate Band painted in blood red. The lighter weight made it easier to stalk and pursue the band's next victims."