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Hello everyone!

As I promised last week, I am here to confirm what unique weapons have been selected so far as part of our unique items mod. We will focus on armours and apparel at a later date.

I loved reading your ideas and had plenty of fun with some of them. I took my liberty to "Rimify" some of them as they were a little bit out of place, but all in all I think you will be happy to see if your idea has been put through.

We have another mod in the pipelines - the Christmas mod, hopefully releasing it in a couple of days, but right now I am signing off until the end of the year.

I am going back to Poland to visit my family and spend some festive moments, so I'd like to wish you all merry Christmas, and to those not celebrating it - just a happy time with your family or friends.

Thank you for this wonderful year and I hope to see more and more activity here starting January.

Unique Weapons

  1. Assault rifle - Commando - Slightly higher range and accuracy than a normal assault rifle.
  2. Chain shotgun - Shambler - Fires 2 shots rather than 3, but with greater accuracy and range, and slightly quicker draw
  3. Charge lance - Uranium slug lance - Has the same damage as the uranium slug turret.
  4. EMP grenades - TBD - TBD
  5. Frag grenades - TBD - TBD
  6. Greatbow - Charge bow - Fires a charge rail projectile at an incredible speed.
  7. Heavy SMG - TBD - TBD
  8. LMG - TBD - TBD
  9. Machine pistol - Kingpin - A tommy gun design. Fires 4 shots in a burst instead of 3.
  10. Minigun - Gatling gun - Fires faster bursts of rounds.
  11. Molotov cocktails - Napalm Grenades - Increased explosion radius.
  12. Pila - Boom stick - Explodes on impact.
  13. Autopistol - Golden Eagle - Increased armor penetration.
  14. Pump shotgun - Urbworld Police Shotgun - Lighter, quick draw shotgun firing faster but with a slightly shorter range.
  15. Charge rifle - Experimental Charge Rifle - Fires explosive shots.
  16. Recurve bow - TBD - TBD
  17. Revolver - Pepperbox Pistol - Rapid fire 6 shooter at the cost of lower damage.
  18. Doomsday rocket launcher - Experimental RDD - Antigrain explosion followed by severe toxic build up in the area.
  19. Short bow - TBD - TBD
  20. Sniper rifle - Dart Gun - Shoots darts that deal no damage but reduce consciousness of the target.
  21. Bolt-action rifle - Makeshift Rifle - Fires significantly faster at the cost of reduced range.
  22. Incendiary launcher - Dragon’s breath - Fires 3 shots in rapid succession.
  23. Club - Ancient War Trench Club - Higher armor piercing. Stuns enemies.
  24. Gladius - Gladiator - Old, vintage bronze sword. Gives higher pain resistance.
  25. Ikwa - Sacrificial blade - Lower damage. Applies toxic buildup with each hit.
  26. Knife - Bowie Knife - Higher damage.
  27. Longsword - Aerondight - Incredibly sharp blade with mechanoid style.
  28. Mace - Morning star - A heavy mace with a lower attack speed but much higher damage.
  29.  Spear - Trident - Throwable at short distance.  



Have a great holidays and thanks for all the great releases this year ❤️


Oh my Its actually a dream come true. Was waiting for this type of mod since i started playing rimworld! That truly is a christmas present, dude! After looking through the list, i have some thoughts and suggestions, if you care to listen: *Isnt bowie knife kinda pointless? There is already a combat knife in your weapons mod. Unless the bowie knife is going to be better than an excellent plasteel combat knife (which is relatively easy to obtain) that is. *Why is makeshift rifle better than a factory-made one? As far as i can see from the description, it has the characteristics of a carbine - shorter barrel and being easier to reload (Think gewehr 98- karabiner 98 or mosin rifle - mosin carbine) Carbines were usually issued to cavalry and (later) paratroopers, so why not call it a "cavalry rifle" or "paratrooper rifle"? *Continuing with the paratrooper carbine theme, you can make a legendary variant of a semi-automatic rifle easily with this concept. Think M1 Garand and M1 Carbine. *Legendary Heavy SMG can be a PPSh-41 type thing (i think using a 7.62 round makes it heavy-ish). Instead of firing 3 projectlies at a moderate rate like a normal HSMG, the legendary one can fire 5-6 rounds very quickly (to simulate PPSh insane rate of fire and drum mag). To balance it out, it may be less accurate than the normal one at medium and long distance and have slightly more cooldown time. *Legendary hand grenades can be some type of cluster munition, having a much weaker impact than normal nades, but leaving a couple of smaller explosives around that detonate after one or two more seconds. *Legendary LMG - one or two round bigger bursts, higher velocity and rpm, slower cooldown. Yes im talking MG-3-type weapon. You can call it Urbworld\Midworld LMG or something.


Hello, I might be a little late to the party but i thought the past week about the mod and just want to tell my opinions. First I want to say I really like the quest reward system for a really good weapon. Way too many times there are stupid rewards and such a huge amount of special items will make doing quest more important and enjoyable. Second I would love to see that every unique weapon have a unique name like the Kingpin or the Commando. This makes them feel like a item that people tell stories about and more unique. Lastly I would rather see really unique unique weapons. I know this is really easy said and not easily done without special coding work. I hope you dont see this as criticism. I really love all your mods because i see them as true extension fo the original game. Thank you as always for your and your teams great work. p.s. I hope it is ok even after the week is expired to pitch a few ideas for the mod. I will write them down after i attended christmas dinner :D


OK, here are the ideas i promised: Charge Lance: Blue light Legendary charge lance with a custom blue projectile. What do you want more? In the hands of a 20 shooting pawn a game winner. Design: Normal charge lance with some blue doodads. Discription: Turns blue EMP Grenade: Mindflayer Works like your archotech -mood pylon. Heavy mood debuff to hit living things. Greatbow: The Dragonslayer Legendary Greatbow with improved accuracy and damage. If it is possible the bow should have a knockback effect on hit. Design: A silver greatbow. Description: Noone knows why its called like this. Dont use this near bridges. Greatbow: Azincourt Legendary Greatbow. Damage and accuracy is trippled while it is raining. Design: Really worn and dirty greatbow. Linen wrapping at the handle. Description: Sometimes really bad weather is all you need to turn the tide of the battle. Shortbow: Amor A shortbow. Special effect: If it hits a heart it instantly recruits the target. Design: Pink Shortbow with heart shaped arrow tips. Description: The power of love straight to the heart. Sniper Rifle: The Scout A Normal Legendary sniper rifle with the instant aiming style of your quidraw weapons. Maybe some mor accuracy at low range. Design: A Sniper rifle with a shorter barrel. Description: How can they even aim like this? If you want some uniques to your weapons expanded mods: Service Rifle: Lord of war Legendary service rifle with a boost to trading prices or immunity to deseases for the wielder. Design: A golden AK. Description: Its not lord of war. its warlord. Hand Cannon: Retirement A Legendary handcannon that deals extra damage against mechanoids. Design: Deckard Cains Pistol. Description: Thats what it is to be a slave.


Knife: Kunai Legendary plasteel knife with a large boost to movement speed. Design: A black kunai with a wrapped grip. Description: Move like the shadow. Recurve Bow: Randys Recurve A Recurve bow with randomized damage. Design: Purple with red grip. Description: He giveth - He taketh. Longsword: Immortality / McLeod Legendary steel longsword for balance reasons. The wielder can only be killed by beheading or desctruction of the head (not sure if this is possible coding wise). Design: A a steel claymore. Description: There can only be one. Revolver: The Gunslinger (maybe swap this with the Hand cannon for lore reasons) A legendary revolver with quick draw and very high accuracy. Design: A big colt like the 1851 navy with a beige sandalwood grip. Description: This gun saved many worlds. Pilum: Ancient Spear A Spear with really high throwing accuracy, higher range and good melee damage. Somewhat balanced to be useable in the endgame. Design: Normal Spear but throwable like the pilum. Black Metal with red wrapping and big Spearhead. Description: It is said it can even make gods bleed. I hope you can take inspiration in some of my ideas even if im pretty late. If I get some more ideas I will add them.