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My body was great, but there always improvements that can be made, however, the way I improve is by exchanging my body with someone else’s. I don’t have time for the gym and things like that, so what I do is exchange myself with someone else. The way I did it was with a simple game of pool, with a magic pool table. It boasted special powers which I used to my advantage, it made wishes come true. Enter stage left: Connor.

Connor was boasting about going on holiday tomorrow, I could do with a holiday and the pool table was a perfect way to do it. I made the wish, but set a condition. I wish to have connors body, if I won the game, if I lost Connor would get to chose a forfeit for me, technically a wish, but for him it would be a forfeit. Once he arrived, I told him the bet, if I win I go on holiday tomorrow with your body and if I loose you get to chose what happens to me! He chose that if he won, I would merge into him and be trapped inside him for the duration of his holiday. It was a double win for me, although I would be inside him not being able to control him, I would still experience everything he did. And once I left his body I would be able to use a side effect of the merger. He would be punished for abusing the powers of the pool table and I would be given his body after the holiday and he would be destined to spend a month as an object for his body to use. I normally made them become their own shoes or socks. However, connors selection for his daily wear was a weird set of yellow slippers. If I lost and he ended up being an object, I wouldn’t get much use out of those. So it looked like if I lost he would be a pair of socks.

He was fully aware of the side effects but shook my hand and the bet/ wish was confirmed. It was never going to be permanent I was happy returning to my current body, I just wanted the holiday and a chance to experience him.

The game did not last that long, and I.….


I won the game❤️. The pool table activated my wish and I became him in an instant. So, it looks like I'm going on holiday tomorrow, what should we do with you though? Merge with me/ you. Become an object or become me?

I'm not merging with myself bro! That's a bit sick isn't it?

Fine “bro” me or an object. Choose quickly! In fact I'll choose for you. Can't go on holiday with those ridiculous slippers. Hou can be a pair of sliders for me to wear a nice red pair. Oh it's a two week holiday. You never told me that! Ser you in two weeks!


Fuck I lost, still now I know it's a two week holiday and I've just been merged onto his feet as his socks. Only a week though and I get another week as him and he gets to be punished. I should probably tell him that once I've merged and he becomes an object there's no way for him get his own body back.



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