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This is him, the one I want you to swap me into.

Do you even know this guy?

We met about an hour ago, so yes and no.

So why him?

Well I think hair would suit me, plus he’s huge in every department!

I don’t normally allow this kind of swap, such a short period of you “getting to know someone,” but, Okay, no worries I guess he doesn’t know of your desire to become him?

Nope, and I hope to keep it that way!

Oh, he will never know, won’t remember a thing about body swapping or his former body or life. That will all be for you to take, mould and shape him in any way you like. He becomes me and I get your body. That’s the deal and is the only deal on the table. There is no way back to your own body, so if you don’t like what you get the only way to change things is with another swap which you’ll be able to do by yourself without any help from me.

Yeah, that’s all cool, can we do it now please?

Sure. Everything is automated and once the process begins, there is no stopping it. You have to allow me to do 2 things for it to start. You’ve got too allow me to place, or rather thrust my dick into you, you’ve got to place your ankles on my shoulders and then you’ve got to allow me to lick your feet. Once the automated process has deemed that I’ve licked your feet enough we will be teleported. I will transport inside his gorgeous hairy beefy body and you will be in exactly the same position only with his dick inside you. I won’t be able to fuck you until the system has deemed that your feet have been licked enough. Then once I’ve used his dick to cum inside you, we will be beamed again. Swapping places. You will then have to lick his huge feet and once you’ve done it enough you will be able to fuck me. Once you’ve cummed , we will transform into each other.

Sounds pretty awesome so far. Go on then.

I’ve got to admit, sliding my dick into him was a huge thrill. The thought of having his rock hard body, huge muscles, hairless torso all to myself was a a huge turn on. He obliged to his foot licking and moaned with pleasure and we were soon teleported. Fuck, I’m inside a huge guy with tons of hair. And I’ve got his dick inside the stud I will soon become. Licked his feet again and soon began to fuck him. It didn’t take me long to cum and we were teleported again. Finally I could fell what his dick was like inside me and it felt amazing. He did a great job fucking me and cummed within minutes. We transformed into each other and then teleported again.

What the fuck, I’ve just become him and now I’m me again.

Relax, your him, just your inside you. I know it’s confusing but I’ve got to get your body in exactly the same way. Just fuck me.

Yes sir.

He did and then I fucked him too. He was beamed out of himself and was free to explore his new hairy body and as transformed into him, it was pure bliss, pure heaven.



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