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Working nights certainly had its advantages, no traffic on the roads free to visit friends in the day go to Appoinetmets especially the tattoo parlour, my favourite place in the world. However, in my job there was one huge disadvantage. Lone working. Sure there were 100 or so people working near by but I was in an office on my own. It let my mind wander often.

The office had desks for ten people, no one dares sit at someone else’s desk. No one dreamed of sitting at my desk even though it was empty for 16 hours a day. But at night there was only me! I had the choice of any of the ten desks. Ordinarily I would just sit at my desk and get on with my work. But today was particularly quiet.

I found myself wandering the office, trying out different seats, desks views. I got particularly comfortable on one desk. It was the desk of Tom. Tom was in a similar job to my own but had been with the company a little longer and was earning more money than me! I found myself using his mouse and keyboard. Then I began to imagine what it would be like to have toms body.

Fuck, what a weird thought. It was completely out of character for me. I found my self wondering what his body looked like and felt like. I wondered what it would be like slipping on his clothes, feeling his fingers move across his body and wondering if he had smelly feet! I imagined me slipping on his shoes but then I imagined taking everything off, no ripping his clothes off imagining what he looked like and felt like with no clothes on. What the fuck!

I decided to dismiss the thoughts but decided to work at his desk from now on. As the night passed by I found myself thinking more and more about him. Then I decided I hated my body. I had far too many tattoos and had ruined my face, arms, hands and neck with them. The night continued and I found that I was feeling different. I looked at my hands as I was tapping away on the computer. They looked different, felt different. What the fuck, my tattoos are gone. I lifted my hands away from the computer and looked at them again, all normal back to the hands, I now hated, covered with tattoos.

I felt my dick shift in volounterialy of its own accord. I looked down at my legs. My dark grey work trousers had some how changed into a pair of green & grey army print. Shocked I stepped away from time desk and stood up. I checked again and my trousers had changed back to normal again. Weird, fucking weird it was. I must be imagining tom a little too much. I suddenly realised that the army print trousers I had somehow been wearing belonged to tom! Fuuccckkkk what the hell was going on. I headed back to my own desk and the thoughts of Tom wouldn't go away. But this time nothing was changing or shifting. Maybe I had been hallucinating.

I went back over to Tom's desk, the area smelt like him, not a bad smell but it was there. It was clearly his space with all his favourite things strewn around. I decided to sit back at

Tom's desk. I began to imagine again. Imagine actually being him. I got to work using his computer and decided to ignore any changes that may or not be happening. I knew something was off. I could feel it and his smell was now less prominent. I was clearly getting used to it.

I waited a few hours before even looking at any part of myself. I had completely forgotten I was at a different desk but now it was time for a break. I moved away from the desk and stood up. Immediately I noticed things were very different. I felt kike I was closer to the ground, some how I was shorter. I looked at my hands and arms they didn't look like my own, my fingers were linger and my skin looked much smoother. I was a little less muscular than before and all of my tattoos were gone. My trousers had changed again, into those I recognised as toms! Fuck were theos hands toms, had my arms been replaced with toms were my clothes now toms too?

Last time I stepped away from toms desk I had almost instantly changed back into myself this time the effects were lasting much longer. Break time can wait. I flicked the computers web cam on and saw what my face looked like. The face in the screen was that if Tom, and it appeared I now had his younger body and all of his clothes. Fuck this was weird.

Initially I thought I was still hallucinating so I went back to my own desk and switched on the web cam. I still looked like tom. Horrified first, but soon realisation that I could now experience what I had been imagining. Taking his clothes off, running my sext hands across my new sexy body, rubbing my hands along my feet, sniffing his shoes, stroking his dick, tasting his cum, sniffing his armpits. I had no idea how long this would last and someone could walk in at any moment. I had to be quick. Sitting at Tom's desk again I did all of that and more.

It was getting close to shift changeover over and I still looked like tom. I went back to my own desk. Hoping I would change back but I didn't. Then the door opened. It was tom only he looked like me.

“Hey Carl, fancy a change did you?”

Erm, yeah. I don't know what came over me or how it happened!”

Relax dude, just a desk I might use yours today, pretend to be you!

Oh the change of desk, I thought you meant…… Never mind. Yeah, help yourself to my desk. You never know I might get some tattoos and pretend to be you!

Yeah? Tattoos are a life choice and to be honest I've been thinking about getting some removed!

Fuck, I didn't just turn into Tom, he became me too and he didn't have a clue it had happened. I'm going to have some fun with his body!



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