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Hey mate, can I borrow some money for a week, I'll give it you back in double!

Sure, how much?

Just £20 mate.

It's in yer account.

A week later….

Hey mate can you send me that money back?

Erm. About that, I don't have it yet, can you wait another week?

I'm afraid not, you promised to send it back. Look there's another way you can pay me back. I offer a body takeover service. I allow loans to be paid back by ways of taking over your body for a set period.

What kind of freakish thing is that? I'm interested but I need to know more!

Well for every £10 you owe, it's an hour’s access to your body. I won't charge you interest on this one since it's your first time but next time I will charge interest, it's not a lot, basically £100 would be interest at £10 a week. So if you paid back in week I'd have full un restricted access to your body for the 10 hours plus 1 hour interest, 2 weeks would be the 10 hours plus 2 weeks interest. Choose how you pay, body takeover or cash, whichever you prefer.

How does it happen bro? And what happens to me whilst you are using my body?

Well when your ready to settle the outstanding amount a device removes my mind from my body, places it onto auto pilot and I'm sent into your body. It's painless and quick. I leave the same way once the entire debt is paid. As for what happens to you, we can talk about that more once I'm in your body. But your still in your own body you just can't control it. We can still talk to each other using your own voice so long as we are alone, otherwise you'd be silent. It's weird the first time but you will get used to it! With your permission you can chose to be something belonging to your body, a body part, a sex object or an item of clothing, or just stay inside your own body as an observer, we will still be able to communicate but like I said we can talk about that more once I'm inside you.

Awesome, I think!

Are you ready to pay off your debt now? £20 - 2 hours.

Err, yeah I guess.

Within seconds I had prepped my body via the app to be put onto auto pilot and I was on my way to him.

The first thing I always did was take a selfie, I had been catfished too many times by people not saying who they really were as in sure you'll understand there are some people I do not wish to engage in a body take over with. And on those occasions I only had a minute to reverse the process. Luckily their phones were always near by and their biometrics easily unlocked their devices. Today's “debater” was Jack.

I was happy to report that jack had not catfished me and he was who he said he was. Now for the weird part, we were alone so jack was still able to talk using his own mouth and voice but that was it. Nothing else so he couldn't control any other part of his own body.

Fuck! I know you said it was painless but I expected to feel something. I could move a minute ago, now I can't, so weird.

Yeah, 2 hours is a good starting point to be honest.

Well, that's weird that I can still talk and you can talk too. Don't you think my voice is sexy?

Yeah man it sounds good, nice and deep!

I began to explore my borrowed body, removing layers of clothes right down to his underwear. I could feel him trying to make me stop and he was asking me too but there was nothing he could do. I stripped everything and stood in front of the mirror in his bedroom and used his phone to take a selfie.

Wow the just-out-of-bed look really suits you. I love your chain, your tattoos are great too! Quite stunning mate. I then began to sniff his arm pits.

What the fuck are you doing? Are you some sort of weirdo?

No pal. I'm just getting to know the new me. I have a feeling I am going to be spending a lot of time in your body. I'll need to learn every inch of your body and know all of its likes and dislikes and what it smells like. I'm sure you'll be needing plenty of loans!

I have to admit a loan without needing money to pay it back is pretty cool. Tell me about this bit where I can become a part of my own body.

Oh well, yeah about that. I don't know if you'd like it!

Surprise me.

Well it's a process. The first time you are your own dick, it's a very good experience. But then each time you chose to be a body part you go through each part, so next time you'd be your own feet, then your legs, your torso, your arms, your hands, then your face, then it starts again from your dick. If you chose an object you can be the same object or something different.

What kind of object?

Anything really, usually something your body uses or wears, dildos, trainers clothes that sort of stuff.

My body definitely doesn't use a dildo!

Cool, what then, I'd really recommend you trying it, with this being your first time. Something you enjoy, your favourite item of clothing perhaps?

Fuck it, just to try it, turn me into my sock!

What this sock? I think you'll find you have already been transformed!

Wow. What the fuck I can talk? Weird, Im a sock, I know I'm a sock but I can talk using my voice. You gonna wear me or what?

Not yet mate, there's one more experience we both need before that.

What's that?

I need to see and feel your cock. We are already half an hour into my 2 hours and I ain't seen or touched it yet!

And your gonna cum in me?


Mate this feels so good. My own dick inside me as a sock.

Wait for the best bit, here it comes!

Oh yes my cum tastes so good.

Now it's time to be worn on your feet! When the hour is over I'll be returned to my own body and you to yours and you can text me about another loan?

Sure! Was thinking a few hundred next time, tomorrow in fact.

Make it 48 hours so £480 and I won't charge you any interest. Deal?




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